Terry Matalas to Direct Remake of Sci-Fi Classic Enemy Mine

The original Enemy Mine, starring Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett Jr., captured hearts by blending sci-fi with profound human (and alien) themes. Now, Terry Matalas, the mastermind behind the final season of Star Trek: Picard, is set to breathe new life into this 1985 classic for 20th Century Studios.

Terry Matalas to Direct Remake of Sci-Fi Classic Enemy Mine

Mankind Versus Aliens in a Desolate World

Enemy Mine was set in a future where humans are at war with a reptilian alien species. The film followed Dennis Quaid as a human pilot and Louis Gossett Jr. as an alien, who crash-land on a barren planet. Despite their deep-seated prejudices, they must cooperate to survive. The plot thickens when the human must care for the alien’s offspring after an unexpected turn of events.

Terry Matalas to Direct Remake of Sci-Fi Classic Enemy Mine

The Man Behind the Camera: Wolfgang Petersen

The original movie marked the English-language debut of German filmmaker Wolfgang Petersen. He stepped in after 20th Century Fox dismissed the initial director, Richard Loncraine. Although production issues inflated the budget and the film initially bombed at the box office, it eventually gained cult status for its themes of tolerance and comradeship.

Terry Matalas to Direct Remake of Sci-Fi Classic Enemy Mine

A Story Rooted in Award-Winning Literature

The original film was based on Barry B. Longyear’s novella, first published in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine in 1979. The story, which won a Nebula Award for Best Novella, later expanded into a trilogy titled The Enemy Papers.

Terry Matalas to Direct Remake of Sci-Fi Classic Enemy Mine

Matalas’s Vision for the Remake

Terry Matalas, known for bringing renewed energy to Picard‘s third season, aims to reintroduce Enemy Mine‘s poignant messages to modern audiences. Reflecting on his strategy, Matalas acknowledged his desire to delve deeper into themes inspired by the classic.

From TV to Big Screen Success?

Matalas has demonstrated his mettle in the sci-fi genre, both with 12 Monkeys and the later seasons of MacGyver. His work on Picard‘s last season even garnered a WGA nomination. While plans for his envisioned series, Star Trek: Legacy, didn’t materialize with CBS, it caught significant attention across several Disney divisions.

Sci-Fi Expertise Recognized by Industry Giants

The move intrigued Marvel head Kevin Feige and 20th Century Studios president Steve Asbell. Feige pegged him for an untitled Marvel Television series focused on Vision, set for Disney+ in 2026. Simultaneously, Asbell offered Matalas his first film deal post-Picard success.

Terry Matalas to Direct Remake of Sci-Fi Classic Enemy Mine

A New Journey Begins

Matalas is represented by CAA and Anonymous Content, marking a significant step as he dives into this promising project. Fans can eagerly anticipate how he will blend modern sensibilities with Enemy Mine‘s timeless narrative.

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