Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Teases Exciting New Jedi Order Film with Daisy Ridley’s Rey

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Teases Exciting New Jedi Order Film with Daisy Ridley’s Rey

Director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy shares intriguing insights about the highly anticipated New Jedi Order movie with Daisy Ridley’s Rey. In recent interviews, such as one on Stars Sirius XM109, Obaid-Chinoy offers a peek into what fans can expect in this next chapter.

Rey’s New Journey with a Female Director

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Teases Exciting New Jedi Order Film with Daisy Ridley’s Rey

This is the first time that the classic series will be led by a female director. According to Ridley, Sharmeen has some great ideas for the development of both the film and the characters. As Obaid-Chinoy stated:

Sometimes you walk in the footsteps of people, and giants who have created worlds. In the case of Star Wars, George Lucas’ world and the filmmakers who have followed in his footsteps have set this world that they want young viewers to sort of walk into and have an understanding of the world. At the heart of it, for me, is Rey Skywalker – Daisy Ridley – and her story, and taking her on an adventure to a Jedi Academy.

Daisy Ridley’s Enthusiasm

Daisy Ridley herself is excited about this new direction, citing her admiration for Sharmeen’s documentaries and storytelling approach. She mentioned:

The short answer is I don’t know. I’m excited to do the job, but not because Sharmeen is a woman. Her documentaries are amazing. Her idea for the story is cool as shit. No spoilers, but she gave me a rundown of the entire story. If it weren’t amazing, I would have been like, ‘OK, call me in five years.’ But it’s worthwhile.

A Collaborative Effort

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Teases Exciting New Jedi Order Film with Daisy Ridley’s Rey

Obaid-Chinoy has had extensive conversations with many key figures in the Star Wars universe including J.J. Abrams and Dave Filoni. She mentions:

Working with Lucasfilm, Kathleen Kennedy, and the team over there in breathing life to characters that everyone loves and has fallen in love with and finding new characters that the next generation of moviegoers will fall in love with.

The Vision for New Jedi Order

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Teases Exciting New Jedi Order Film with Daisy Ridley’s Rey

The upcoming film aims to bridge past trilogies while exploring fresh stories within the universe. This includes advancing Rey’s journey following her victory in Rise of Skywalker. Obaid-Chinoy expressed:

I’ve had conversations with J.J. Abrams, I’ve had conversations with George Lucas, and then, of course, Dave Filoni, who’s a big part of the Star Wars Universe now. We speak very often, and Kathy Kennedy, Gary Beck and Simon Emmanuelle.

The Evolving Star Wars Narrative

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Teases Exciting New Jedi Order Film with Daisy Ridley’s Rey

This latest addition comes at a pivotal time for Lucasfilm as they reevaluate their strategy after several missteps. The goal is to perfect everything from plotlines to visual effects for not just New Jedi Order but also other projects in development like The Mandalorian & Grogu: Dawn of the Jedi.

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