Pixar Plans More Sequels and Reboots to Navigate Tough Times

The legendary animation studio, Pixar, is charting a new course to navigate challenging times with a firm emphasis on sequels and reboots. In a recent report, it was revealed that Pixar aims to lean heavily on its existing intellectual property to reclaim its former glory. This pivot comes during a period of significant transition for the studio.

Pixar Plans More Sequels and Reboots to Navigate Tough Times

Inside Out 2 Aiming for More Success

One of the major titles leading this charge is Inside Out 2, scheduled for release on June 14, 2024. Pixar first announced this highly anticipated sequel at the D23 Studio Showcase in September 2022. With Amy Poehler reprising her role as Joy and Pete Docter’s unique directorial sensibility, expectations are high for the continuation of Riley’s emotional journey.

Pixar Plans More Sequels and Reboots to Navigate Tough Times

Fans of the original film will be delighted to know that alongside Poehler, Phyllis Smith and Lewis Black will also return as Sadness and Anger respectively. The cast sees new additions in Tony Hale and Liza Lapira taking up the roles of Fear and Disgust.

Fishing for More Adventures in Finding Nemo Universe

Pixar Plans More Sequels and Reboots to Navigate Tough Times

Beyond Inside Out 2, Pixar is exploring the potential for more stories within the beloved worlds of its past hits. Chief Creative Officer Pete Docter touched upon the possibilities within the Finding Nemo franchise, noting, The ocean’s a big place. I think there’s a lot of opportunity there.

The studio has seen massive success with underwater adventures, as evidenced by Finding Dory‘s impressive $484.8 million domestic gross—over $100 million more than Finding Nemo’s earnings. Docter’s remarks hint at untapped narratives still waiting to be discovered in this vibrant aquatic realm.

Returning to The Incredibles’ World

Pixar Plans More Sequels and Reboots to Navigate Tough Times

Lindsey Collins, Pixar’s Senior Vice President of Development, addressed the dichotomy of creating sequels when mentioning another possible revisit to The Incredibles. She shared a candid moment about her son’s reaction to the prospect of an Incredibles sequel saying, The other day, I was like, ‘What if I told you we were making an Incredibles 3?’ And he was like, ‘Money grab.’ And I was like ‘F—.’

Troubled Times and Calculated Moves

Pixar Plans More Sequels and Reboots to Navigate Tough Times

The shift towards known IPs follows a tough few years exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw films like Onward and Soul head directly to Disney+ instead of enjoying traditional theatrical releases. Despite these setbacks, Pixar looks poised to regain its footing.

A Glimpse into Future Releases

Pixar Plans More Sequels and Reboots to Navigate Tough Times

Looking forward, beyond sequels targeting nostalgic favorites, the studio has solid plans for upcoming titles including Dream Productions—a spin-off set in Riley’s dream world from Inside Out universe—expected to air next year on Disney+. Pixar also recalls how Toy Story evolved as a perennial success story with Toy Story 5 slated for June 19, 2026 release.

Pixar Plans More Sequels and Reboots to Navigate Tough Times

Navigating Uncertain Waters

Pete Docter emphasizes that while the focus on sequels might seem like an attempt to buy time amidst turmoil—or even pander elements for easy returns—it’s strategic yet cautious reflecting over current audience preferences that tend toward well-loved narratives rather than entirely new ventures during these uncertain times.

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