Patricia Richardson Explains Home Improvement Ended Due to Pay Gap

Patricia Richardson candidly revealed the salary disparity with ABC, a pivotal factor that led to Home Improvement ending after eight successful seasons. Richardson stood firm in her demand for equal pay to co-star Tim Allen and an executive producer credit.

Patricia Richardson Explains Home Improvement Ended Due to Pay Gap

She explained, The reason I turned down the ninth year of ‘Home Improvement’ was that I was a single parent and away from my kids too much… I have to put my children first. In the wake of her divorce and with three children to care for, Richardson prioritized her family over career commitments.

Richardson disclosed, I knew Disney would in no way pay me that much. That was my way to say ‘no’ and was a little bit of a flip-off to Disney. I’d been there all this time, and they never even paid me a third of what Tim was making. Despite being offered $1 million per episode compared to Allen’s $2 million per episode, she sought parity but expected refusal from the studio.

Patricia Richardson Explains Home Improvement Ended Due to Pay Gap

The salary discrepancy and subsequent conflict led to strain with co-star Tim Allen, as Richardson noted feeling isolated by his willingness to accept the offer. In fact, Allen had even jumped at the opportunity, reportedly agreeing to Disney’s terms without further negotiations.

I’m fascinated that for the first time in history, more than 50 percent of the workplace is women and that 60 percent of all college graduates are women. But that’s only one element of the show. And I don’t think you’re going to see that as a theme week in and week out… This perspective from an executive producer highlights an ongoing issue: gender pay gap within the entertainment industry.

Patricia Richardson Explains Home Improvement Ended Due to Pay Gap

Years later, the complexities deepened. Patricia accused Allen of dishonesty regarding a potential revival [lying] to people about its development, igniting further tension between them.

Patricia Richardson Explains Home Improvement Ended Due to Pay Gap

The legacy of Home Improvement, while cemented with acclaim and numerous awards, remains entwined with these off-screen challenges. Both leads have continued their careers albeit with evolving dynamics; yet again aligning separately on future prospects.

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