Recap – Modern Family 1.17 “Truth Be Told”
Did you miss last week’s episode of Modern Family, “Fears?” Read the recap here. “Truth Be Told” opens with the Dunphy clan in t
Did you miss last week’s episode of Modern Family, “Fears?” Read the recap here. “Truth Be Told” opens with the Dunphy clan in t
Due to my Internet service going COMPLETELY OUT last night (Thanks New Wave! *RME…*), I couldn’t talk to you about the long-awaited return of 9021
All hail the V’s! They come in peace, you know – but judging by the title of the March 30th return, “Welcome to the War,” that peaceful fa
Your boy is in tears because Melrose Place is back on my TV screen and I am as happy as a golddigger on Rodeo Drive! And we were NOT disappointed!!!! CW, be w
Somebody should just go ahead and give Michael Emerson an Emmy right now. In tonight’s episode, Emerson proved that he is the greatest actor on televisi
Since December 8th, 2009, fans of Melrose Place have been wondering what the hell happened to their favorite characters after a colossal cliffhanger that invo
Hello Chuck-sters. If you missed last week’s mobsteriffic episode, “Chuck vs. the Fake Name,” here’s a recap. “Chuck vs. the Bea
I’m starting to wonder if should start my Monday night ’24’ viewings at 9:30pm instead of 9:00pm because tonight’s episode was a snooz
Spotted: A new episode of Gossip Girl… Me? An ecstatic idiot. You? In need of a thorough recap. So call off the APB for the denizens of the Upper East S