Big Brother 14 Week 3/Week 1 Review – Kill Me Now…
Who got evicted on Big Brother tonight? Well with the events that transpired tonight, I would have to say... I evicted myself.
Who got evicted on Big Brother tonight? Well with the events that transpired tonight, I would have to say... I evicted myself.
This week's Pretty Little Liars showed us that everyone has secrets, including those who we think we know like the back of our hands.
On the summer finale of Jane by Design, the play's in trouble, Jane wants to confess her feelings to Billy, and Ben's back. Will he stay?
Epic episode of Teen Wolf last night as a answers came flying at us at the speed of a Kanima strike...
Fanny extends her vacation, Michelle learns a lesson about boundaries, and Ginny makes a tough choice on an all new Bunheads.
Aside from the opening scene of Breaking Bad's season 5 premiere, the series has felt more like it is getting back to business as usual.
Bruce and Kris' marriage is threatened by her deception and she agrees to a lie detector test. Find out if she passed!
After sketching a rough outline of the new players for season 5 and setting up a shadowy, and somewhat ambiguous, start to the final season story arc, Breakin
Last night's Pretty Little Liars was all about the crazy. And Mona had ample amounts of it to dish out.