Netflix Drops Teaser for Dark Comedy Series Set in 14th Century Florence

Netflix has unveiled a teaser trailer for its upcoming series, The Decameron, which is set to premiere on July 25, 2024. The series, categorized as a dark comedy, features an impressive ensemble cast including Tony Hale, Zosia Mamet, and Saoirse-Monica Jackson.

Netflix Drops Teaser for Dark Comedy Series Set in 14th Century Florence

A Comic Escape during the Black Death

The Decameron explores themes of class struggles amidst a pandemic. It offers a humorous take on the devastating impact of the Black Death in 1348 Florence. As the plague ravages the city, a group of nobles and their servants sequester themselves in a grand villa to ride out the chaos, leading to a raucous and sometimes absurd battle for survival.

Netflix Drops Teaser for Dark Comedy Series Set in 14th Century Florence

Behind the Scenes Brilliance

The series boasts of some powerhouse creators behind the camera. Jenji Kohan is working on the set of The Decameron, bringing her touch alongside Kathleen Jordan. Michael Uppendahl, known for his stellar work on shows like Fargo and American Crime Story, directs four of the eight episodes, ensuring each frame exudes both cinematic quality and ambitious storytelling.

Netflix Drops Teaser for Dark Comedy Series Set in 14th Century Florence

A Star-Studded Cast

The cast promises a blend of comedy and drama with talents like Zosia Mamet, known from Girls and The Flight Attendant, Saoirse-Monica Jackson from Derry Girls, and Tony Hale, widely recognized for his roles in Veep and Arrested Development. Their chemistry is poised to bring a mix of ridiculous and tragicomic elements to this medieval tale.

Netflix Drops Teaser for Dark Comedy Series Set in 14th Century Florence

From Script to Screen

This eight-episode series is produced under Jenji Kohan’s Tilted Productions. Kohan serves as an executive producer alongside Kathleen Jordan, Michael Uppendahl, Blake McCormick, and Tara Herrmann. The creative team ensures that this loose adaptation of Giovanni Boccaccio’s 14th-century collection will achieve both humor and depth.

Netflix Drops Teaser for Dark Comedy Series Set in 14th Century Florence

First Glimpses and Expectations

The recently released teaser trailer gives audiences a hint at what to expect— soapy narratives filled with sex and scandal amid coughing fits symptomatic of the plague. Director Michael Uppendahl’s helm across pivotal episodes, including the first and last ones, sets high expectations for both visual splendor and narrative engagement.

Netflix Drops Teaser for Dark Comedy Series Set in 14th Century Florence

Here’s the trailer, which gives away nothing except the tone of the series. I love.

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