Longlegs Trailer Showcases Nicolas Cage in a Memorable Serial Killer Role

Neon is really pushing hard for us to notice Oz Perkins’ upcoming Longlegs. The studio has released three cryptic teasers, a trailer, around half a dozen posters and even screened the film a few months before its release for a handful of carefully selected horror-affiliated critics. Longlegs Trailer Showcases Nicolas Cage in a Memorable Serial Killer Role

Another unannounced screening occurred on Friday evening, at Beyond Fest, where the film received even more praise. It’s very unsettling and deeply steeped in the satanic panic of the ’70s serial killer horror. noted one viewer. This matches the positive intel that came out of last year’s test screening.

Cage shines here as the titular serial killer, delivering a performance that might polarize audiences but is unquestionably memorable. Longlegs Trailer Showcases Nicolas Cage in a Memorable Serial Killer Role His portrayal feels authentic, almost as if it was based on a real-life case. The film is low on jump scares but employs visual and audio tricks effectively, making viewers jump out of their seats.

Perkins maintains incredible control over every aspect of the mise-en-scene, lending the movie an unnerving authenticity. Horror enthusiasts have had their detective skills tested by deciphering symbols within the teasers, which pointed to elements like 911 calls, an FBI investigation, and occult murders. Longlegs Trailer Showcases Nicolas Cage in a Memorable Serial Killer Role

A Fascinating Performances by Nicolas Cage and Maika Monroe

Nicolas Cage, who first ventured into horror with 1989’s Vampire’s Kiss, returns to the genre as an elusive serial killer in Longlegs. Alongside him is Maika Monroe, playing FBI Agent Lee Harker. Harker delves into unsolved cases that take unexpected turns with occult revelations. Her character discovers a personal connection to the killer and races against time to stop him before he strikes again. Longlegs Trailer Showcases Nicolas Cage in a Memorable Serial Killer Role

Beyond Fest and Neon’s Strategic Screenings

The recent screening at Beyond Fest adds to the film’s growing buzz. The fest celebrated its tenth anniversary, showcasing films like Halloween Ends and My Best Friend’s Exorcism. It also included special tributes and exclusive screenings. Neon’s meticulous curation for horror fans underscores their understanding of the film’s niche audience. Longlegs Trailer Showcases Nicolas Cage in a Memorable Serial Killer Role

Satanic Panic and 70s Serial Killer Vibe

The movie seems deeply inspired by ’70s serial killer horrors, comparable to titles such as Se7en, Cure, Silence of the Lambs, and Zodiac. Such comparisons set high expectations for fans of slow-burn, psychologically intense horror. Teasers hint at a blend of horror imagery like crime scenes, religious components, prayers, veiled figures, and cult elements. These visuals contribute to the film’s eerie atmosphere.

Longlegs Trailer Showcases Nicolas Cage in a Memorable Serial Killer Role

The teaser trailer alone has left many eager for more. With its carefully crafted plot elements and atmospheric tension, Longlegs is shaping up to be one of 2024’s most anticipated horror films.

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