Larry David Shares a Startling Admission About Skipping Jimmy Kimmel Live

Larry David Shares a Startling Admission About Skipping Jimmy Kimmel Live

In a recent interview with host Jimmy Kimmel, Larry David revealed a rather unconventional anecdote that is quintessentially Larry. Although Curb Your Enthusiasm concluded its much-anticipated 12th season in April, it seems Larry David’s unique blend of awkwardness and comedy continues to flourish.

‘Uncomfortable Question’ from Kimmel

During their conversation, Jimmy Kimmel brought up a curious incident. I have a somewhat uncomfortable question to ask you, he started, reminding David that he was originally supposed to be a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live! right after the 2024 Oscars.

The Big Oscar Night

Larry David Shares a Startling Admission About Skipping Jimmy Kimmel Live

Kimmel revealed, We like to have a great guest on Monday night after the Oscars because it’s a big audience coming in. He went on to explain his excitement when Larry David initially accepted the invitation. And then, sadly, your friend Richard Lewis passed away, adding context to the turn of events.

The much-loved comedian Richard Lewis, who is not only a frequent collaborator but also a close friend of David’s, had passed away in late February. This was just weeks before Kimmel’s fourth turn hosting the prestigious ceremony.

Spoilers at the After-Party

Kimmel recalled how David’s agent had called to cancel his appearance, citing grief over Lewis’s death. Which I totally understand, Kimmel said sympathetically. However, what happened next highlights classic Larry antics.

Kimmel recounted hosting the Oscars and then attending an after-party where he unexpectedly ran into none other than Larry David himself – visibly cheerful. I went to a party after the Oscars, and who did I run into at that party? Smiling broadly, I might add.

The Honest Confession

Breaking into guilty laughter, Larry David did not shy away from admitting his real motive. In his characteristically blunt manner, he confessed: OK, so, you want an explanation? I used the death of my best friend to get out of doing a show I didn’t want to do in the first place.

Kimmel’s reaction was nothing short of graceful. Laughing along with David, he responded succinctly: I would expect nothing less.

The Impact of Richard Lewis

This episode throws light not just on Larry David’s unmistakably quirky humor but also showcases his deep bond with Richard Lewis. The latter has made numerous memorable appearances alongside David inCurb Your Enthusiasm. Tragically, Lewis passed away earlier this year at 76 from a heart attack.

Larry David Shares a Startling Admission About Skipping Jimmy Kimmel Live

Their friendship spans decades and has been immortalized in numerous hilarious episodes ofCurb Your Enthusiasm, making their association unforgettable for fans of the show.

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