Kourtney Kardashians Son Mason Joins Instagram with First Photos

Kourtney Kardashians Son Mason Joins Instagram with First Photos

Mason Disick, the 14-year-old son of Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick, has taken the plunge into the world of social media by launching his own Instagram account. This move was met with a mix of surprise and amusement from his celebrity aunts.

In his first post, Mason uploaded a photo of himself standing on a balcony, sporting a black T-shirt, khaki green baggy pants, and a cap tilted downward covering his face.

Khloé Kardashian couldn’t contain her disbelief, commenting, I can’t believe this is happening, while Kim Kardashian added with equal surprise, You’re really on Instagram. The reality check continued as Kim remarked about her nephew’s new chapter in life: The day has come where you’re taller than me now… I just love who you are and I’m just so proud of you Mason. Welcome to your teenage years. Happy Birthday.

Kourtney Kardashians Son Mason Joins Instagram with First Photos

A Surprise for Fans

Mason’s debut on Instagram did more than just surprise his family; it also gave fans a glimpse into his life as a teenager. Mason looks confident stepping up to social media prominence, an expected move considering his family’s massive online influence.

Kourtney Kardashians Son Mason Joins Instagram with First Photos

Capturing Moments

For his next post titled “Fam,” Mason shared moments with friends, showcasing the group holding Jaded London shopping bags. Additionally, images featured him navigating the streets of Soho in New York and enjoying some friendly moments with his little sister Penelope Disick. The latest post even included a sweet bathroom selfie with his younger brother Reign Disick.

Kris Jenner’s Take

Kris Jenner was equally reflective about her burgeoning role as grandmother to teenagers, joking about her future responsibilities: And then yeah, what happens is my kids kept, you know, keep having kids. So now I have a feeling I’m going to be kind of on the hook for 13 cars.

Kourtney Kardashians Son Mason Joins Instagram with First Photos

Navigating Teen Years

Mason’s unverified attempts at social media in 2020 were quickly shut down by parents Kourtney and Scott due to concerns over access and appropriateness. Today’s approval signifies newfound trust and readiness as Mason steps further into public limelight.

Kourtney Kardashians Son Mason Joins Instagram with First Photos

A Look Ahead

The teen is beginning to carve out his own digital identity amidst supportive family comments and shared experiences with siblings. As Kris mentioned during Mason’s bar mitzvah celebration: I told him I would buy him a car when he was 16 if he stayed away from drugs and alcohol.

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