Kidnapped by Marco Bellocchio Explores Italian History at SIFF Premiere

Marco Bellocchio has been a mainstay of Italian cinema for the past 50 years. His latest work, Kidnapped: The Abduction of Edgardo Mortara, continues his exploration of the complexities of Italian history. The film, produced by IBC Movie, Kavac Film, and Match Factory Productions, premiered on June 7 as part of the SIFF lineup.

Kidnapped by Marco Bellocchio Explores Italian History at SIFF Premiere

An Unthinkable Story

The plot unfolds in the Jewish quarter of Bologna, Italy in 1858, governed by the Papacy during turbulent times. Salomone Mortara (Fausto Russo Alesi) and his wife Marianna (Barbara Ronchi) have their son Edgardo (Enea Sala) forcibly taken from them by the Pope’s soldiers under the pretext of a secret baptism.

This film delves deeply into the social, political and most prominently intimate contradictions of an almost schizophrenic nation during very turbulent times, said one critic, summing up Bellocchio’s focus on political subversion.

Kidnapped by Marco Bellocchio Explores Italian History at SIFF Premiere

The Heart-Wrenching Consequences

The Church’s rigid stance and the family’s struggle for Edgardo garnered international attention. The contrast between young Edgardo (Enea Sala) and his adult self (Leonardo Maltese), who later joins the Priesthood, dramatically portrays this evolution.

Kidnapped by Marco Bellocchio Explores Italian History at SIFF Premiere

A Cinematic Triumph

Bellocchio’s direction paired with Francesco Di Giacomo’s cinematography, and Andrea Castorina’s production design immortalizes this historical drama. The juxtaposition of beautifully tailored period settings with grounded performances lends a hauntingly timeless quality to the film.

Kidnapped by Marco Bellocchio Explores Italian History at SIFF Premiere

The issue of religious overreach is strikingly relevant, emphasized in reviews highlighting how personal tragedy mirrors society’s broader conflicts between democracy and theocracy.

Compelling Performances

Alesi’s portrayal of Salomone is deeply moving, embodying a father’s restrained agony. Barbara Ronchi’s heart-wrenching performance as Marianna adds further depth. Young Enea Sala is unforgettable as Edgardo, his innocence torn apart by dogma.

Kidnapped by Marco Bellocchio Explores Italian History at SIFF Premiere

Pivotal Roles

Pope Pius IX (Paolo Pierobon) towers in his unwavering belief, delivered with both deviousness and a chilling righteousness. His role cements the film’s theme: how blind faith can lead to devastating real-world ramifications.

A Visual Masterpiece

The meticulous visual storytelling embodies Bellocchio’s renowned filmmaking prowess. The film captures not just a specific historical moment but also broader socio-political themes, remarked another critique underlining its impactful aesthetics.

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