Joey Graziadei Playfully Mocked for Still Talking About Bachelor Fame

Joey Graziadei Playfully Mocked for Still Talking About Bachelor Fame

It’s been about two months since Joey Graziadei proposed to Kelsey Anderson on the beach at the finale of The Bachelor Season 28. The couple has been soaking up their post-show life, but that hasn’t stopped them from poking fun at themselves.

Lighthearted Family Fun

Joey Graziadei Playfully Mocked for Still Talking About Bachelor Fame

Recently, Joey’s sister Carly Monzo and Kelsey teamed up in a hilarious TikTok video that mocked Joey. In the video, Kelsey and Carly lip-sync to an audio clip, gossiping humorously about Joey while he’s obliviously sitting with his back to the camera until he turns around hearing the final line. The text in the video reads, We get it…you WERE The Bachelor, with Kelsey playfully adding in the comments, Emphasis on WERE.

The Chemistry Between Joey and Kelsey

Joey Graziadei Playfully Mocked for Still Talking About Bachelor Fame

This playful jab only highlights the tight bond between Joey, Kelsey, and his family. Their chemistry is clear not only on social media but also in their daily lives. As Joey put it, I think we are notorious for saying that; ‘We can’t believe this is our life.’ We just love it so much, and it’s really cool. But at the same time, we tell each other every day that we’re not going to stop living our lives… even though it’s so exciting.

Counseling for Closer Connection

Despite their apparent happiness, Joey admitted that they often seek couples counseling to keep their relationship strong. This honesty opens a window into their efforts to maintain a healthy relationship even amid the excitement.

Bonds Beyond the Bachelor

Joey Graziadei Playfully Mocked for Still Talking About Bachelor Fame

The couple also recently enjoyed a Hawaiian vacation with other Bachelor Nation couples like Charity Lawson and Dotun Olubeko. Joey remarked in an interview that shared experiences help them bond further: You get put through the same experience…You kind of understand each other…we kind of all bond over [it], expressing how these relationships blend unique and shared experiences seamlessly.

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