10 Things You Didn’t Know about Jimmy Havoc

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Jimmy Havoc

The art of professional wrestling is one that requires so much more than skill. You must have a personality. The desire to see and be seen. You have to have talent and skill. You have to be willing to play the part. It’s like a multitude of jobs all rolled into one, and you have to be the right person to do the jobs the right way or it doesn’t even work. Jimmy Havoc is a man who can make it work. He’s been involved with the professional wrestling industry for years, and he’s good at what he does. He’s someone who is signed with All Elite Wrestling, and he has the title of longest reigning Progress World Champion. If you don’t know what that means, perhaps it’s time to get to know him a bit better.

1. He’s From England

He was born in Dartford, which is in the United Kingdom. He was born on March 19, 1984, and he spent most of his life there. He didn’t always live there, but he’s been around the world a time or two since he began this kind of work. However, he will always call the UK home.

2. He’s Funny

If there is one thing you need to know about this man, it’s that he has a sense of humor. He shows it off on his social media pages, but specifically on his Twitter page. He recently tweeted that his “Favorite thing about Twitter is saying you enjoy something, then being told you’re wrong,” and we cannot think of a more accurate description of the site.

3. He’s Credited with Being One Reason Progress is Big

We don’t know that this is something that the company would say is true, but we know that there are millions of fans who are quick to say that he is one of the biggest reasons that the company who signed him is so famous. Himself, along with a handful of other wrestlers, are often credited for making the company what it is with their talent and their skill — and their sheer entertainment value.

4. He’s Single

All right, he may not be, but we don’t know. He might have a secret relationship somewhere as he does seem like the kind of guy who can keep a secret and live his life without people into his personal business, but from what we can tell — he’s single. So, don’t quote us on that one, but we are thinking that if you’re interested, you could have a shot. What do we know?

5. He Recently Achieved a Dream

We all have dreams — thousands of them. We dream of seeing the world and making things happen and having families and writing books and doing what we love, and Jimmy Havoc is no different. He recently realized a dream he’s had for a long time by treating himself to a trip to Hawaii. And, the best news is that it is everything he thought it would be and more. He says no photo can do it justice, and having been there myself, I agree one hundred percent. If you haven’t been, you must go.

6. He’s Not Afraid of Controversy

The internet can be a judgmental place to hang out (ask anyone who shares their life via the world wide web), but he’s not afraid of that. He’s a big fan of using his Instagram account to share photos of himself covered in blood, spitting it out of his mouth following a fight, using the middle finger to salute others (though we did read this is the most effective way to greet someone and not share COVID-19 germs, so we are on board with it) and so much more. He doesn’t care. Neither should you.

7. He’s Unrecognizable in A Suit

We have a feeling that anyone who knows him wouldn’t recognize him in a suit and a tie on the side of the road if it were not for his long hair and his striking blue eyes. He looks like a completely different person outside of his wrestling personality. We love that. A chameleon is always fun. Honestly, there is a little something about him that almost reminds of us Jared Leto, as if they were distant cousins who both have a hint of the family traits.

8. He’s A Regular Guy

I’ll admit that I’d prefer to play sports than watch them (but I never miss a Florida Gator football game), so I’m not overly familiar with wrestling. However, I do know that many people live with some common misconceptions about wrestlers and how they are so unlike those of us who don’t do this for a living. That doesn’t seem too true to me. He eats pizza. He drinks beer. He travels. He hangs out with his friends. He posts selfies on the internet. What about him isn’t just like the rest of us in his own personal way?

9. He’s Got a Good Friend in the Business

People love it when people who are rivals are real life friends, and that can absolutely be said of Jimmy Havoc and Finn Balor. Rumor has it that these two have been friends for a very long time, since before Jimmy Havoc was as big a name as he is today. Now they are in the same business and the fans want to see them as enemies, but they are really close friends who just happen to have the same job.

10. He Claps Back

Your mama jokes never get old, apparently. It’s been a hot minute since I was in school (Hint: I was born the year before Jimmy Havoc) but they were big then, I recently heard one of my nephews use the term, and Jimmy Havoc also uses it. He clapped back at a non-fan online when they called him a no-name following his official signing with this company, and he threw a your mama line at the guy who insulted him and called him generic. It was good.

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