Jennifer Lopez Explains Why She Took Ben Affleck’s Last Name


Key Points
1. Jennifer Lopez explains her decision to take Ben Affleck’s last name in a Vogue interview.
2. Lopez responds to critics, asserting her sense of empowerment and control over her life.
3. The couple’s journey from their initial engagement in 2002 to their rekindled romance and weddings in 2021 and 2022 highlights their enduring love and commitment.


The buzz around the entertainment industry is buzzing, with one of the main stories being Jennifer Lopez’s recent comments about her husband, Ben Affleck. In a Vogue interview for their December cover story, Lopez spoke about her reasons for taking Affleck’s last name. People are still going to call me Jennifer Lopez. But my legal name will be Mrs. Affleck because we’re joined together, she shared.

Lopez expressed her sense of empowerment in making this choice, stating it made her feel empowered as a woman and as a person. It still carries tradition and romance to me, and maybe I’m just that kind of girl, She Added. However, discussions haven’t been all rosy in the tabloids. Questions have arisen regarding the state of their marriage, but Lopez’s statements suggest they are united and committed.

Jennifer Lopez’s Respond to Critics

Jennifer Lopez Explains Why She Took Ben Affleck’s Last Name

In the Vogue December cover story, Lopez responded to a New York Times opinion piece that suggested her choice to take her husband’s name stood against feminist ideals. “What? Really?” she asked. “People are still going to call me Jennifer Lopez. But my legal name will be Mrs. Affleck because we’re joined together,” the Marry Me star said. “We’re husband and wife. I’m proud of that. I don’t think that’s a problem.”

Lopez’s Perspective on Name Change

Jennifer Lopez Explains Why She Took Ben Affleck’s Last Name

When asked about the possibility of Affleck changing his last name to Lopez, she replied:

It’s not traditional. It doesn’t have any romance to it. It feels like it’s a power move.

Lopez emphasized her control over her own life and destiny.

Stating, “I can understand that people have their feelings about it, and that’s okay, too. But if you want to know how I feel about it, I just feel like it’s romantic. It still carries tradition and romance to me, and maybe I’m just that kind of girl.”

A Journey Through Love and Marriage

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez arrive at the premiere of The Tender Bar on Sunday, Dec. 12, 2021. Lopez first introduced her new name in her On the JLo newsletter announcing her wedding. She signed the email with Mrs. Jennifer Lynn Affleck. It’s not the first time Lopez said she would take Affleck’s name. When the couple first engaged in 2002, she proudly declared in a 2003 Dateline special that professionally she was “going to stay with Jennifer Lopez, but my name will be Jennifer Affleck.”

Year Event
2001 Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck meet on the set of the movie Gigli.
2002 They start dating and become one of Hollywood’s most talked-about couples.
2003 The couple gets engaged.
2004 They call off their engagement and split up in January.
April 2021 Rumors about their rekindled romance start after Lopez ends her engagement to Alex Rodriguez and Affleck splits from Ana de Armas.
May 2021 Lopez and Affleck are seen together on a trip to Montana.
July 2021 They are spotted house-hunting together in Los Angeles and make their relationship Instagram official on Lopez’s 52nd birthday.
September 2021 The couple makes their red-carpet debut at the Venice Film Festival for the premiere of The Last Duel.
April 2022 Affleck proposes to Lopez again, and she announces their engagement with a green diamond ring.
July 2022 Lopez and Affleck get married in a private ceremony in Las Vegas.
August 2022 They hold a larger celebration with friends and family in Georgia.
January 2023 Lopez talks about moving in together with Affleck and blending their families.
March 2023 The couple is spotted attending various public events together, including the 2023 Grammys.
June 2023 They appear happy and content, regularly seen at public events together.

Rekindling a Romance

Lopez and Affleck rekindled their romance in 2021. In July, they tied the knot in an intimate Las Vegas chapel wedding, before throwing a star-studded second wedding at Affleck’s Georgia estate a month later. The journey from their initial engagement in 2002 to their recent weddings in 2021 and 2022 marks a full-circle moment for the couple, reflecting their enduring love and commitment.


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