Jason Kelce’s Favorite Moment with British Royalty at Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour in London

Jason Kelce’s favorite moment of meeting the British royal family? Princess Charlotte. The former NFL player shared his experience of meeting Prince William and two of his children—Prince George, 10, and Charlotte, 9—backstage at Taylor Swift‘s Eras Tour in London on Friday, June 21. He described how the “adorable” young princess stole the show.

Jason Kelce’s Favorite Moment with British Royalty at Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour in London

I gotta say, Prince William was fantastic, but the highlight was Princess Charlotte, Jason, 36, mentioned on his and brother Travis Kelce’s “New Heights” podcast on Wednesday, June 26. Prince George was great too. She was so f—king adorable.

An Enthusiastic Young Princess

I cannot express how… I don’t know, maybe it’s because I have three girls now—she had fire to her, she was asking questions, Jason continued praising the young princess. That was the most electric part of the [royal encounter].

Jason Kelce’s Favorite Moment with British Royalty at Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour in London

Praising Royal Parenting Techniques

Jason and Travis commended William and Princess Kate Middleton, both 42, for encouraging their children to engage with adults in conversations. “I love it when parents ask their kids to be vocal,” Travis remarked, to which Jason responded, “They encourage them to lead in a conversation—absolutely.” If anyone’s doing it right, Prince William is doing it right, added Travis.

Jason Kelce’s Favorite Moment with British Royalty at Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour in London

A Cool Encounter with Royals

Elsewhere on Wednesday’s episode of “New Heights”, Travis talked about meeting William, calling him the “coolest motherf—ker.” He emphasized how down-to-earth William was by reiterating, He was so cool… very genuine. This straightforward admiration highlights the impression that William left on those around him. Reflecting on meeting the royals backstage with little George and Charlotte, Travis expressed how delightful it was to meet them all.

Navigating Royal Protocols

The Kansas City Chiefs tight end admitted to being unsure about royal protocol when greeting the royals. “Wasn’t sure if I was supposed to like bow to them, curtsy, just be an American idiot and shake their hand,” he said. Jason elaborated that although they received a warning on formal etiquette, it wasn’t necessary since they weren’t at an official royal event.

Jason Kelce’s Favorite Moment with British Royalty at Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour in London

The most we needed to do was address him as Your Royal Highness, Jason noted regarding Prince William. This anecdote portrays the blend of respect and informality during their memorable meet-up.

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