Jack Black Channels Nacho Libre For Wear a Mask PSA

Jack Black Channels Nacho Libre For Wear a Mask PSA

Just when a person might have thought that the mask PSA’s were almost gone, we get another wave of them as Jack Black helps to keep them alive with his own foray into the ‘wear the mask’ zone. Realistically, wearing a mask isn’t that big of an issue. Yes, it’s annoying, and yes, it feels like giving into paranoia, but at this point, it’s better than having to stand around arguing over the issue over and over with people at this point since the status quo is all about wearing the mask and some stores will gladly ask a person to leave if they’re not wearing one. The issues that have arisen from those that don’t want to wear masks throwing an absolute tantrum have been laughable to insane considering their reactions and how easy it is to put on a mask and then take it off once a person is outside. People do realize they don’t have to wear these things when they’re not around people, don’t they? It’s not required to wear a mask when you’re a healthy distance from anyone, and it’s not required in your car unless you happen to be an Uber or Lyft driver or someone that has to take into consideration the safety of passengers. But on your own, it’s still allowable to wear a mask. As for the word ‘hero’, this is starting to be tossed around in the same manner as other words that have been losing meaning steadily as they’re applied to every little thing they can be by anyone that wants to use them in such a manner.

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Be A Hero… Wear A Mask! #YourActionsSaveLives

A post shared by Jack Black (@jackblack) on

Granted, Jack Black being funny on an Instagram post isn’t something to gripe about, but if this is the new trend, to call those that wear masks, heroes, then perhaps it’s time to roll our eyes again and wonder what else people are going to come up with to be praised for. Wearing a mask isn’t a favored pastime of many people and it’s still heavily disputed and even used as a means of goading people into behaving or acting a certain way, but the slight inconvenience of it is easy enough to tolerate when going to the store or being around people for a short period of time, though some folks don’t tend to see it like this. While celebrities such as Jack Black and many others are pushing for this idea to keep spreading and to keep helping out by keeping people healthy, the matter is taking a decidedly negative spin thanks to those that don’t want to discuss it and prefer to chip away at each other over something that should, by all accounts, be a minor inconvenience and not a major problem that some feel is ‘taking away our rights’. Ever notice how people on both sides of any issue will often come down to the idea that something or someone is ‘taking away our rights’ while failing to realize that their ability to speak on the issue is proof that no one is taking away our rights?

If the pandemic and the reaction so many to it have taught us anything so far, if they’ve taught us anything at all, it’s that the will of the people is not a unified thing unless there’s a common cause to pull together for, and somehow a pandemic isn’t it. One would think that humans would band together to fight against something that’s inherently dangerous despite what the numbers look like. After all, a low mortality rate is hard to get excited about when the deaths that are recorded are said to be mixed and are misleading the populace since those that have died due to other causes but still have had COVID-19 are reportedly being listed as having died of complications brought on by COVID-19. There’s no doubt that some of this is real, but one has to wonder how the numbers have been affected by the idea that some people who have passed have not done so from the virus. This is a big reason why people are at odds with one another, everyone wants to claim this or that, meaning that the virus is or isn’t a huge issue, and very few people are willing to sit down and ask the people doing the reporting to be completely transparent. Then the news media and even celebrities are doing their part to continue to rile people up by asking them to wear masks, to be responsible, to think of others, to be a ‘hero’. Honestly, when a celebrity like Jack Black or someone else says this, people are going to listen and assume that they’re doing their part by badgering others while calling it ‘responsibly reminding’ them.

Any which way a person cuts it, the coronavirus has made a mess our nation, and people have done the rest when it comes to their reactions and their need to continually remind others to wear a mask, despite the fact that it’s not a huge inconvenience.

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