Howard University Revokes Honorary Degree Awarded to Sean Diddy Combs

In an unprecedented move, Howard University has decided to revoke the honorary degree it awarded to Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs in 2014. The announcement came in response to Combs’ controversial behavior, as captured in a recently released 2016 video, which significantly clashed with the university’s core values.

Howard University Revokes Honorary Degree Awarded to Sean Diddy Combs

Howard University’s Decision

According to the statement from the Board of Trustees, Combs’ actions were deemed “fundamentally incompatible” with the institution’s beliefs. Mr. Combs’ behavior as captured in a recently released video is so fundamentally incompatible with Howard University’s core values and beliefs that he is deemed no longer worthy to hold the institution’s highest honor, read the statement.

Howard University Revokes Honorary Degree Awarded to Sean Diddy Combs

The Context Behind the Decision

The video in question depicts an incident where Combs was seen physically assaulting his then-girlfriend Cassandra ‘Cassie’ Ventura. This disturbing footage resurfaced amid multiple ongoing sexual assault lawsuits against him. The decision was also accompanied by the termination of a 2016 gift agreement and returning of his $1 million contribution.

Public Reaction and Official Stance

The revocation sparked widespread attention and discussion on social media platforms. Observers have varied opinions, but many echo the university’s stance. A spokesperson for Howard reiterated, The University is unwavering in its opposition to all acts of interpersonal violence, underlining its commitment to maintaining a safe and respectful community.

Diddy’s Response to the Revocation

Following the video’s release, Combs shared an apology via Instagram. Reflecting on his actions, he stated, It’s so difficult to reflect on the darkest times in your life, but sometimes you got to do that… My behavior on that video is inexcusable.

Howard University Revokes Honorary Degree Awarded to Sean Diddy Combs

The Significance of Honorary Degrees at Howard University

This decision marks a rare instance where a prestigious honorary degree was rescinded. Honorary degrees are significant recognitions by universities, often awarded for contributions to society or a particular field. However, they hold limitations; as one academic put it,An honorary doctorate is meaningful, but it doesn’t qualify you to teach at the graduate level and, for most venues, doesn’t qualify you to publish in peer-reviewed journals. It’s like winning a trophy from the institution.

Howard’s history of conferring such honors dates back decades with luminaries like Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King Jr.

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