How James Patrick Stuart Felt About Gregory Harrison Joining GH

On May 21, 2024, Gregory Harrison’s tenure as Gregory Chase in General Hospital came to a poignant end. His farewell left a significant mark on audiences and his fellow co-stars, particularly James Patrick Stuart.

How James Patrick Stuart Felt About Gregory Harrison Joining GH

The Impact of Harrison’s Role

Harrison joined the cast of General Hospital in November 2020, taking over from actor James Read. This role brought him into the daily lives of fans who had already adored his performances in shows like Trapper John, M.D. and Falcon Crest.

How James Patrick Stuart Felt About Gregory Harrison Joining GH

A Warm Welcome from Stuart

James Patrick Stuart shared a heartfelt memory involving Harrison’s wife, Randi Oakes.When I was 11 years old,…I was so happy when Gregory joined General Hospital.

This interaction cemented a positive start for what was to become a fantastic professional relationship. Stuart expressed his joy at getting to work with someone whose personal life had touched him almost four decades earlier.

Strong Bonds On and Off Set

Amanda Setton echoed similar sentiments when she talked about her experience with Harrison, highlighting his professionalism and deep care for his craft.I think he’s an incredible person and an incredible actor…

How James Patrick Stuart Felt About Gregory Harrison Joining GH

Memorable Last Scenes

The final scenes involving Gregory Chase were emotionally charged. Amanda Setton particularly mentioned how heartfelt and somber the last day on set was,I’m going to miss him a lot…

How James Patrick Stuart Felt About Gregory Harrison Joining GH

The grief felt by the characters mirrored the sentiments shared by the actors as they bid farewell to a beloved colleague.

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