How Inside Out 2 Accurately Represents Teenage Anxiety

This article contains spoilers for Inside Out 2.

Diving Into Teenage Angst with Precision

Inside Out 2 masterfully portrays anxiety, reflecting the real-life struggles many teenagers face. According to Kelsey Mann, If you asked me who was the easiest, I would say Ennui was pretty quick. I remember a story artist, Dan Park, drew Ennui as a wet noodle, and I was like, ‘Dude, that’s it. That’s the feeling I want.’ This creative process ensures that mental health issues are depicted authentically.

How Inside Out 2 Accurately Represents Teenage Anxiety

The Reality Behind Character Designs

Kelsey Mann shared insight into the development of characters that embody complex emotions. He collaborated closely with Jason Deamer and his team to bring these personalities to life. As Mann mentioned, Then, I worked with Jason Deamer, our production designer, and his team and they took that idea and took it even further.

How Inside Out 2 Accurately Represents Teenage Anxiety

Connecting with Teen Realities

Every parent in America knows that the teenagers are not okay. This statement underscores the relevance of Inside Out 2. The movie addresses the current teen mental health crisis head-on, depicting relatable scenarios such as Riley’s discussions about independence and boundaries with her parents. These scenes resonate because they mirror real-life conversations happening in homes across the country.

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