Horizon Debuts With One of Kevin Costners Lowest Rotten Tomatoes Scores

Kevin Costner’s latest Western saga, Horizon: An American Saga, has left critics divided, debuting to one of his worst scores on Rotten Tomatoes. Despite the four-part epic being a passion project he’s nurtured for over 30 years, the initial reception isn’t exactly encouraging.

Horizon Debuts With One of Kevin Costners Lowest Rotten Tomatoes Scores

High Stakes and Financial Gambles

To realize his vision, Costner invested $38 million of his own money into Horizon, even mortgaging his Santa Barbara estate. This decision reportedly sent his accountant into a conniption fit. According to Costner, it wasn’t an easy decision, but it was the decision I needed to make. He added in a recent GQ interview, We very rarely started when we said we would and we didn’t finish when we said we would. And I was OK with that.

Horizon Debuts With One of Kevin Costners Lowest Rotten Tomatoes Scores

The project’s budget ballooned to over $100 million, with Costner even expressing his relief and gratitude for completing the first two chapters, saying I’m terribly satisfied in my own life that God allowed me to get these first two done.

A Rocky Start with Critics

The first chapter premiered at Cannes Film Festival on May 19 and received a lukewarm response. Rotten Tomatoes currently lists the film at a 33% critical rating. Critics have pointed out issues with pacing and coherence. BBC’s Nicholas Barber criticized it for lacking a plot, credible characterization, and a structure. Vanity Fair’s Richard Lawson remarked that it made him reconsider previous harsh judgments on The Postman.

Horizon Debuts With One of Kevin Costners Lowest Rotten Tomatoes Scores

An Ambitious Narrative Spanning Generations

The film chronicles Hayes Ellison’s (Costner) role in America’s West expansion during the Civil War era. Despite the intricate plot intertwining multiple storylines and characters portrayed by notable actors like Sam Worthington, Sienna Miller, and Giovanni Ribisi, critics have likened its issues to an extended preview rather than a cohesive feature film.

The Tale Continues with Future Installments

Costner remains optimistic about Horizon’s future installments gaining better reception. With Chapter 2 debuting on August 16, opinions might shift as the story unfolds. As Costner explains in an enlightening GQ session, he views Horizon as his boldest venture yet, believing that its essence goes beyond mere commerce. He quipped, I don’t try to let the fear of that control my instincts on any level…I don’t want to live that way.

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