Grey’s Anatomy Season 20 Finale Puts Doctors’ Jobs in Serious Jeopardy

The Grey’s Anatomy season 20 finale is here, and it’s left fans on the edge of their seats. Most notably, the episode ends with nearly all doctors’ positions at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital hanging by a thread.

Grey’s Anatomy Season 20 Finale Puts Doctors’ Jobs in Serious Jeopardy

Meredith Risks It All

Returning to Grey’s Anatomy, Meredith Grey made an Earth-shattering discovery about Alzheimer’s that could revolutionize the field. However, she faces intense opposition from her colleagues, notably Catherine Fox, who is worried about losing Fox Foundation investors. In the season 19 finale, Meredith’s groundbreaking Alzheimer’s breakthrough honored Derek’s legacy, yet her efforts were met with discouragement.

Catherine’s Ultimatum to Meredith

Tension peaked when Catherine gave Meredith an ultimatum in episode 8 of season 20. Instead of giving up, Meredith pursues her unorthodox research with the help of Amelia Shephard and Teddy Altman. Teddy, as the Chief of Surgery, funds Meredith’s project using hospital discretionary funds, which could have devastating consequences once revealed.

Grey’s Anatomy Season 20 Finale Puts Doctors’ Jobs in Serious Jeopardy

Owen’s Medical Basics Classes Idea

While Owen Hunt and his wife, Teddy Altman, are on a hike around Seattle, he proposes an idea for medical basics classes. These classes aim to equip everyday folks with essential medical skills, potentially saving lives daily. Not realizing the implications, Owen approaches Catherine Fox with his plan directly.

Grey’s Anatomy Season 20 Finale Puts Doctors’ Jobs in Serious Jeopardy

The Risk for Teddy Altman

If Catherine discovers that Teddy funded Meredith’s Alzheimer’s research behind her back, it could spell trouble not only for Teddy but also for Amelia and Meredith. This scenario places their careers in jeopardy as Catherine gets closer to uncovering the truth each passing episode.

Trouble in Paradise for Owen and Teddy?

Grey’s Anatomy Season 20 Finale Puts Doctors’ Jobs in Serious Jeopardy

This season reveals another layer of turmoil between Owen and Teddy. With Owen expressing dissatisfaction with his routine life and the couple grappling with personal issues, speculations arise that Kevin McKidd might be preparing to exit the show after over a decade.

A Final Goodbye?

The potential departure of Owen and Teddy would coincide perfectly with Grey Sloan’s looming cost-cutting measures slated for season 21. Already confirmed to return next season, ABC has announced several cast departures due to budget constraints. Long-time fans must prepare themselves to possibly say goodbye to significant characters like Owen Hunt and Teddy Altman.

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