GH Spoilers for May 29: Brook Lynn and Chase’s Struggle, Elizabeth’s Doubts, Drew’s Secrets

Brook Lynn’s Devotion

The hits just keep on coming for poor Chase. Recently, he had to deliver the heartbreaking news of his father’s passing to yet another person. Alexis was the latest to receive this somber update. Brook Lynn is doing all she can to support her husband during this difficult time. There’s no stopping it, she tells Chase, reiterating her commitment.

GH Spoilers for May 29: Brook Lynn and Chase’s Struggle, Elizabeth’s Doubts, Drew’s Secrets

Ava Overhears Josslyn and Trina

At the Jerome Gallery, Josslyn and Trina appear to be making plans. Are they considering moving in together or is it something else? Whatever their intentions, Ava’s entry interrupts their conversation as she walks in and hears Josslyn sharing some intriguing details with Trina. You more than anybody should know better than to spread gossip, Ava admonishes Josslyn.

GH Spoilers for May 29: Brook Lynn and Chase’s Struggle, Elizabeth’s Doubts, Drew’s Secrets

Elizabeth’s Misgivings

Elizabeth and Finn finally have a much-needed conversation after the tense and emotionally charged situation at his apartment. Finn, devastated by his father’s death, seemed to have fallen off the wagon. He said some unsettling things that left Elizabeth shaken. I honestly didn’t think you were capable of it, Elizabeth confesses. With doubts looming over their relationship, one cannot help but wonder if this marks the end of their romance.

GH Spoilers for May 29: Brook Lynn and Chase’s Struggle, Elizabeth’s Doubts, Drew’s Secrets

Drew’s Secrets and Promises

Drew and Willow have grown considerably closer since the Greenland mission that saved her life. Now, they are united again with Drew needing something crucial from Willow. Drew secretly plotting with Willow, he asks her for reassurance in keeping what seems to be a significant secret. You gotta promise that you’re not going to tell the rest of the Quartermaines, Drew requests.

GH Spoilers for May 29: Brook Lynn and Chase’s Struggle, Elizabeth’s Doubts, Drew’s Secrets

A Spicy Conversation at Crimson’s Office

Over at Crimson’s office, things heat up as Maxie engages in a lively chat with Nina. Their exchange takes a spicy turn, hinting at shared secrets and long-standing camaraderie. That was almost worth a little arsenic, Nina quips to Maxie.

GH Spoilers for May 29: Brook Lynn and Chase’s Struggle, Elizabeth’s Doubts, Drew’s Secrets

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