Furiosa Star Anya Taylor-Joy Didnt Contact Charlize Theron Until After Filming

Taking on the role of a younger Furiosa was no small feat for Anya Taylor-Joy. The decision to avoid contacting Charlize Theron, who originally brought the character to life in 2015’s Mad Max: Fury Road, was intentional. In her words, Taylor-Joy shared, Why didn’t I call Charlize? I went to the source, which is George [Miller], and was like, ‘What do you need me to be?’

Furiosa Star Anya Taylor-Joy Didnt Contact Charlize Theron Until After Filming

The film, Furiosa, is a visually stunning and action-packed prequel set many years before the events of Mad Max: Fury Road. Directed by George Miller, this latest iteration dives deep into the backstory of Furiosa, exploring her evolution into the iconic character played by Charlize Theron. As Miller stated, the shift away from using de-aging technology for Theron was pivotal, noting his preference for authenticity over special effects. Miller explained his decision by saying, I saw not only ‘The Irishman,’ but Ang Lee’s ‘Gemini Man,’ with Will Smith. Both of them were masterful directors, but it was never persuasive.

Furiosa Star Anya Taylor-Joy Didnt Contact Charlize Theron Until After Filming

Taylor-Joy committed to making the role her own by working closely with Miller and avoiding outside influence. She expressed how demanding yet rewarding the process was: I had the earliest call time of my life: 1:45 a.m., revealing that she even adopted a fluffy Ragdoll cat named Kitsune to cope with the isolation on set. Her dedication was visible through her rigorous daily schedule and method acting approach.

Furiosa Star Anya Taylor-Joy Didnt Contact Charlize Theron Until After Filming

The filming for Furiosa wasn’t short of challenges. Action scenes, elevated by cutting-edge techniques like high-tech camera work, showcased Taylor-Joy’s determination to capture Furiosa’s spirit. She talked about her training regimen: I went to a gun range in Los Angeles to learn how to shoot. But during the making of Furiosa, for the sake of the crew’s safety, Miller never used real bullets or even blanks. This experience helped her grasp the real intensity needed for portraying Furiosa.

Furiosa Star Anya Taylor-Joy Didnt Contact Charlize Theron Until After Filming

Taylor-Joy admired Charlize Theron not only as an actress but also as an individual. After wrapping up filming, she reached out to Theron with great respect for her predecessor’s work, saying, You have to go on your own journey with it. But as soon as it was done, I reached out to her because I’m such a fan…

Furiosa Star Anya Taylor-Joy Didnt Contact Charlize Theron Until After Filming

Miller’s methods differed greatly from traditional filmmaking styles. As Chris Hemsworth noted about his villainous role: She’s trying to kill me this whole movie. Such insights underline how unique and collaborative making Furiosa was under Miller’s meticulous direction.

Furiosa Star Anya Taylor-Joy Didnt Contact Charlize Theron Until After Filming

The anticipation surrounding Furiosa has been immense due to the success of its predecessor, Mad Max: Fury Road. Released in theaters on May 24, 2024, it’s expected to deliver more high-octane action and narrative depth that fans have come to love from George Miller’s universe.

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