Five Hilarious Blanche Devereaux Moments on Golden Girls

Five Hilarious Blanche Devereaux Moments on Golden Girls

A lot of people have thought it so it’s time to just say it, Blanche Devereaux was a rather feisty old woman on The Golden Girls and it showed in every hilarious scene. While this type of humor wasn’t for everyone since it was a lot more contained and less apt to get as raunchy as some people might like, the truth of it is that Blanche was without any doubt the wild child of the bunch and didn’t care who knew it. The southern belle type was definitely one of those that was highly opinionated and at the same time didn’t care much about the opinions of others when it came to her unless she happened to care about the person in general. But Blanche’s funny moments tended to center around sexual innuendo quite a bit since, well, that’s kind of how her character was and for the most part people loved it since she played it off so well. Throughout the series, Blanche was the one that stood out as the woman that didn’t let age slow her down when it came to expressing her desire for men, while the others had their own tastes but didn’t broadcast them quite as much.

And for all that though, it gave Blanche a lot of hilarious scenes that you can view below.

5. Blanche is stunned.

So basically, Blanche is stunned. Did everyone get the fact that she was stunned? Because it was quite a stunning experience that left her this stunned. Okay, time to admit that I’m not certain what episode this clip was from but the delivery was just too great to pass it up since all too often the ladies on the show didn’t get flabbergasted or stunned to the point that they couldn’t talk about it, and to see Blanche in this manner was kind of impressive as well as funny. Anytime she was at a loss for words was a moment that was to be viewed with an appreciation for whoever or whatever knocked her character off-balance.

4. The explanation

Blanche certainly had a flair for the dramatic, didn’t she? Her character was the type that would leave the room in a huff if she felt the moment was appropriate, and obviously there were plenty of those moments since Blanche never missed the chance to be the center of attention or to make her point felt as acutely as possible. But seeing Blanche and Dorothy falling for the same man is kind of confusing since while both of them are great actors there’s a definite difference between the two of them that makes a person wonder about the man that was casting his net so wide. Obviously he didn’t favor one single type of woman.

3. The mace

There were times when Blanche’s intelligence and common sense had to be questioned along with Rose’s since taking a can of mace and thinking its hairspray is kind of a tough thing to do considering that Avon and other brands don’t tend to make the same products that police officers use on a regular basis. But it did make for a comedic moment since Rose and Blanche together was a great pairing considering that Rose was a bit ditzy at times and Blanche wasn’t so intelligent that her intellect towered over Rose, but she was usually possessed of a little more common sense than her roomie.

2. That’s a lot of boyfriends

That is a really, REALLY loose definition of a boyfriend, and it’s a good thing that men don’t keep track like that since, well, a lot of us might feel like utter failures at one point or another. But anyway, if all it took was getting hot and bothered to have a relationship then the teen years for most people would make us all sluts at one point since who in the world gets through their teenage years without getting hot and bothered by those they’re attracted to? By that measure, a lot of us would have had a host of imaginary boyfriends and girlfriends by the time we hit our 20s, without them ever knowing about it of course.

1. Naughty Blanche

Have you ever met an old woman like Blanche that would talk your ear off about things that might actually make you blush? She’s not exactly shy about it and would say just about anything the network would allow since that’s her character and that’s the kind of thing that Blanche really enjoyed. But it’s kind of interesting to think that the size of a man’s ears might correspond to the size of, um, other things. It’s a pairing that a lot of people might not have logically come to since it usually has something to do with hands, feet, or something else.

Oh yes, Blanche was a dirty old woman, and we loved her for it.

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