Elle Fanning to Lead in New Predator Movie Directed by Dan Trachtenberg

The new Predator movie Badlands has just found its leading star, with acclaimed actress Elle Fanning in negotiations to headline the film. According to Deadline, the announcement marks yet another thrilling entry in the Predator franchise, bolstered by the creative return of director Dan Trachtenberg, who helmed the highly successful 2022 film, Prey. Notably, Patrick Aison will re-team with Trachtenberg as the scriptwriter.

Elle Fanning to Lead in New Predator Movie Directed by Dan Trachtenberg

A Rising Star Joins an Iconic Franchise

Elle Fanning, widely recognized for her roles in Super 8, Maleficent, and most recently as Catherine the Great in The Great, continues to cement her place in Hollywood. Her performance in The Great earned her an Emmy nomination and three Golden Globe nominations for Best Lead Actress in a Comedy series. The young actress’s diverse portfolio adds considerable excitement to this new standalone entry in the Predator series.

Elle Fanning to Lead in New Predator Movie Directed by Dan Trachtenberg

Following the Success of Prey

Prey, released in 2022, revitalized the Predator franchise with its unique storyline focusing on a Comanche woman. Critics praised its originality, giving it a solid 94% Tomatometer score. Keith Hawkes mentioned that The fun of the original 1987 film, apart from Arnold Schwarzenegger yelling incomprehensibly into the jungle, lies in learning the Predator’s abilities… Thirty-five years later, we all know who and what the Predator is.

Elle Fanning to Lead in New Predator Movie Directed by Dan Trachtenberg

The Pressure is On for Badlands

The creative team behind Badlands faces high expectations following Prey’s success. With Trachtenberg at the helm again, fans can anticipate a film driven by similar creative forces. This return hints at continuity and coherence within the franchise, likely addressing long-standing mysteries as hinted by industry insiders.

Elle Fanning to Lead in New Predator Movie Directed by Dan Trachtenberg

Anticipation for Elle Fanning’s Role

Though details remain under wraps, there is considerable anticipation around how Fanning will tackle her role in Badlands. Given her impressive range—evident from performances in both action films and dramatic roles—expectations are high for how she will contribute to Trachtenberg’s vision.

Elle Fanning to Lead in New Predator Movie Directed by Dan Trachtenberg

A Legacy That’s Hard to Follow

The original 1987 Predator, featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger, is lauded for its iconic status. Reflecting on its influence, it’s clear why subsequent films bear intense scrutiny. As one critic pointed out, The fun of the original 1987 film is… apart from Arnold Schwarzenegger yelling incomprehensibly into the jungle…

Elle Fanning to Lead in New Predator Movie Directed by Dan Trachtenberg

A Bright Future Ahead?

The return of creative forces and inclusion of a powerful actress like Fanning provides a promising start for Badlands. As noted by early reviewers, Trachtenberg’s work on Prey revitalized the Predator franchise…, which sets high expectations for its successor. Stay tuned as we follow updates on this exciting project.

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