Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans Team Up to Save Christmas in Red One Trailer

The first trailer for the highly anticipated film Red One has just dropped, featuring Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans in an action-packed quest to save Christmas.

Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans Team Up to Save Christmas in Red One Trailer

Dwayne Johnson stars as Callum Drift, the North Pole’s Head of Security, who partners with the notorious bounty hunter Jack O’Malley, portrayed by Chris Evans.

Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans Team Up to Save Christmas in Red One Trailer

The plot follows their mission to track down Santa Claus, played by J.K. Simmons. Simmons’ portrayal of Santa adds a unique twist, as he is both jolly and formidable in his role as RED ONE.

Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans Team Up to Save Christmas in Red One Trailer

The movie’s trailer highlights thrilling moments, like The movie trailer for ‘Red One’ shows action-packed scenes with Dwayne Johnson as Callum Drift, the North Pole’s Head of Security. Johnson’s character teams up with Chris Evans in the film.

Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans Team Up to Save Christmas in Red One Trailer

One of the standout scenes shows a Hot Wheels car transforming into a Chevrolet Corvette, eliciting a humorous response from Evans’ character.

Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans Team Up to Save Christmas in Red One Trailer

The film is directed by Jake Kasdan and brings together elements of fantasy and comedy within a holiday setting. The screenplay is written by Chris Morgan, known for his work on the Fast & Furious franchise.

‼️MISSING: SANTA CLAUS [CODE NAME: RED ONE]‼️ All points alert to everyone around the world— be on the lookout for this man, reads a mock wanted poster featured in the movie.

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