Director Kelsey Mann Reveals Ideas for Inside Out 3 and Scrapped Concepts from the Sequel

Fans of Inside Out will be thrilled to discover that director Kelsey Mann already has exciting ideas for a third installment in the beloved franchise. In Inside Out 2, new locations within Riley Andersen’s mind are explored, building anticipation for even more imaginative concepts in a potential third film.

Director Kelsey Mann Reveals Ideas for Inside Out 3 and Scrapped Concepts from the Sequel

One of the teased ideas for Inside Out 3 is a location called Procrastination Land. According to Mann, this idea did not fit into the current story but could make an appearance in future installments. He explained, I love this world. It’s such a great world to play in, and ideas just kind of come from playing in this world, both for locations and characters.

New Elements Introduced in Inside Out 2

Mann has shared his enthusiasm for developing new facets of Riley’s internal world. Inside Out 2 provides a fresh stage with complexities that mirror adolescent challenges. Notably, Anxiety emerges as a significant character voiced by Maya Hawke. Hawke even noted the relevance of this character to today’s youth by saying, This generation of kids has been through the pandemic and everything else we’ve had to go through.

Director Kelsey Mann Reveals Ideas for Inside Out 3 and Scrapped Concepts from the Sequel

The eagerly awaited sequel sees Kensington Tallman take over from Kaitlyn Dias as the voice of Riley. These torch-passing changes aim to reflect Riley’s evolution as she navigates more intricate emotions during her teenage years.

A Setting Based on Addressing Youthful Struggles

Director Kelsey Mann Reveals Ideas for Inside Out 3 and Scrapped Concepts from the Sequel

Kelsey Mann’s creative process involved thoughtful steps like consulting with real teenagers to ensure an authentic depiction. He acknowledged their invaluable input: I guess the best part was getting their notes on what resonated with them — what felt true, what felt like they could relate to.

Amy Poehler Returns as Joy

Director Kelsey Mann Reveals Ideas for Inside Out 3 and Scrapped Concepts from the Sequel

The sequel marks a considerable return of Amy Poehler as Joy, Phyllis Smith as Sadness, and Lewis Black reprising his iconic role as Anger. Black’s portrayal is particularly fitting as his comedic style notably includes simulating anger-filled breaks.

Scrapped Yet Intriguing Ideas for Future Installments

Mann shared one of his favorite unused concepts: Procrastination Land, which he described humorously, This is the land I definitely have, especially as a teen… And Anger was like, ‘When are they gonna start building that place?! It just keeps sitting there!’

Director Kelsey Mann Reveals Ideas for Inside Out 3 and Scrapped Concepts from the Sequel

This quirky location personifies many teens’ tendencies toward procrastination and captures the whimsical spirit characteristic of the franchise.

Future Prospects for Inside Out

Director Kelsey Mann Reveals Ideas for Inside Out 3 and Scrapped Concepts from the Sequel

As anticipation builds up ahead of its June 14 release, Inside Out 2 sets up an exciting platform for future stories and emotional explorations within Riley’s mind. Fans can catch up with the prequel on Disney+ while awaiting news about potential developments surrounding a third film.

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