Director Discusses Possibility of Argylle 2 Amid Strong Streaming Numbers

When Argylle hit screens at the start of 2024, it encountered a broad array of reactions. Directed by Matthew Vaughn, this spy adventure saw Bryce Dallas Howard‘s espionage author Elly Conway entangled in a real-life spy saga. Despite some audience appreciation, the movie faced critical backlash and managed to gross only $96.2 million at the box office before debuting on Apple TV+.

Director Discusses Possibility of Argylle 2 Amid Strong Streaming Numbers

Director Vaughn Speaks on Critical Reception

Vaughn said that he was shocked by just how big of a flop the spy-adventure comedy was on a critical level. Despite initial excitement from test screenings and premieres that recalled his Snatch days, Vaughn was blindsided by the negative reviews. He expressed his bemusement: It’s a fun, feel-good movie, or I thought it was a fun, feel-good movie. We didn’t make ‘Citizen Kane,’ but f***ing hell, then the reviews came out and I’m like, ‘Wait, what have I done to offend these people?’ They were vitriolic.

Director Discusses Possibility of Argylle 2 Amid Strong Streaming Numbers

A Strong Streaming Performance

After its underwhelming box office run, Argylle made its way to streaming where it performed notably better. Vaughn observed that the film has been doing well on Apple TV+, stating: We’re doing very well on streaming. People are liking it. Nothing would make me happier than making another one.

Director Discusses Possibility of Argylle 2 Amid Strong Streaming Numbers

Cavill and Rockwell in Spotlight

Henry Cavill shines as Agent Argylle alongside Sam Rockwell‘s Aidan Wilde. Vaughn said about Cavill: I was genuinely thrilled to get Henry to leave the superhero world and get into suits, shoes, and do a completely different thing. He is fantastic in the movie.

Director Discusses Possibility of Argylle 2 Amid Strong Streaming Numbers

Future Prospects for Argylle 2

The more we can get people to watch Argylle, the more chance we make another one. I’d love to make another one; we’ve got it planned. With the promising streaming numbers on Apple TV+, Vaughn remains hopeful for a sequel or even a prequel centered around Young Argylle. He optimistically noted: It’ll make a good little movie. We’ll see. Never say never.

Director Discusses Possibility of Argylle 2 Amid Strong Streaming Numbers

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