Dakota Johnson Embraces Complexities in ‘Am I OK?’ Streaming Now on Max

Dakota Johnson Embraces Complexities in ‘Am I OK?’ Streaming Now on Max

Dakota Johnson’s recent movie Am I OK?, where she plays Lucy, has landed a strong score on Rotten Tomatoes as it begins streaming on Max. Initially premiering two years ago at Sundance, the film delves into Lucy‘s realization of her sexual orientation in her 30s.

Dakota Johnson Shines as Lucy

You try 20 different flavors of ice cream before you settle on a single scoop,” Jane tells her. “Ice cream is different than vagina,” Lucy replies. “How do you know? You don’t know!” her friend says. “Yeah I do know, otherwise it would be called vag-ice cream,” Lucy laughs awkwardly and alone before stopping and asking the film’s title question: “Am I OK?

The film, directed by real-life couple Tig Notaro and Stephanie Allynne, highlights the complexities of coming out later in life paired with friendship dynamics. Featuring Sonoya Mizuno (Civil War), Am I OK? captures these elements in a heartfelt manner.

Impressive Critical Reception

The movie has drawn an impressive 81% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Critics have praised it as “earnest” and “bittersweet.”

The Guardian’s Take

The Guardian expressed, The 86-minute film, penned by Lauren Pomerantz, couples the bittersweet revelations of coming out in one’s 30s, years after many in an accepting environment bloom, with the spiky tenderness of an intimate, platonic female friendship.

A Late Bloomer’s Story

Little White Lies remarked, This is an earnest tale of a late bloomer, and while more introspective catharsis could have been drawn from this contemplation of friendship and romance, Notaro and Allynne’s debut remains a pleasing watch.

Dakota Johnson Embraces Complexities in ‘Am I OK?’ Streaming Now on Max

Exploring Female Friendships and Identity

IndieWire noted the movie’s place amongst other female-focused friendships films: Am I OK? joins a growing body of female-focused friendship films (Bridesmaids, For a Good Time, Call…, Girls Trip) without backing down from its interest in exploring sexuality, pleasure, and identity.

A Chemistry Grounded in Love

The Hollywood Reporter emphasized the chemistry between Mizuno and Johnson: Paired with the easygoing chemistry between Mizuno and Johnson, the dialogue grounds Am I OK? in love without pushing it toward sentimentality.

Variety Praises Johnson’s Performance

Meanwhile, Variety commented on Dakota Johnson’s performance: Johnson [plays] one of her stereotypical stunted Dakota Johnson characters, the kind of knotted-up-by-neuroses innocent that the talented actor imbues with life even when the surrounding movie lets her down.

Beneath its humor and earnestness, Am I OK? serves as a late coming-out story that resonates deeply with audiences. Streaming now on Max—it’s surely not one to miss.

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