Complete Jaws Franchise Coming to 4K Ultra HD This Summer: Dive Into the High-Def Shark Horror

Jaws 3 and Jaws: The Revenge will be released on 4K Ultra HD this summer, completing the giant shark franchise.

For those looking to expand their Jaws collection into the realm of 4K Ultra HD, great news awaits! The original Steven Spielberg movie was released on 4K in June 2020, followed by Jaws 2 in July 2023. Now, Jaws 3 and Jaws: The Revenge will join them on July 23rd.

Complete Jaws Franchise Coming to 4K Ultra HD This Summer: Dive Into the High-Def Shark Horror

The Tale of Jaws 3

Jaws 3, also known as Jaws 3-D, stars Dennis Quaid as Mike Brody, the son of Martin Brody. Now a chief engineer at SeaWorld Orlando, Mike must face a giant thirty-five-foot Great White Shark that infiltrates the park and begins terrorizing the staff. Quaid has previously spoken about his time filming the movie, saying, I thought I was going to be eaten by the shark. I hated being in the water with those things.

Complete Jaws Franchise Coming to 4K Ultra HD This Summer: Dive Into the High-Def Shark Horror

The Notorious Jaws: The Revenge

Jaws: The Revenge brought back Lorraine Gary as Ellen Brody. Widowed and convinced that another shark seeks revenge on her family, she finds herself in yet another terrifying scenario. Upon its release, it faced harsh criticism—but it remains a part of cinematic history. The film also features Michael Caine, who accepted his role purely for the financial benefits. In his words, I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built and it is terrific.

Complete Jaws Franchise Coming to 4K Ultra HD This Summer: Dive Into the High-Def Shark Horror

A Legacy of Fear

If you’re afraid of great white sharks, it’s easy to blame the classic movie Jaws, which was released 48 years ago this week. Originally hitting theaters on June 20, 1975, directed by Steven Spielberg, the first film paved the way for these sequels. Michael Caine reflected on his involvement in Jaws: The Revenge, noting his unique experience with the franchise.

Complete Jaws Franchise Coming to 4K Ultra HD This Summer: Dive Into the High-Def Shark Horror

An Iconic Film History Completes Its Collection

The original hit movie Jaws, introduced nearly half a century ago, was followed by numerous sequels that each carried their own unique tales. With Jaws 3, we’ve seen intriguing characters like Richard Dreyfuss’s Matt Hooper played an essential role in the original film.

Complete Jaws Franchise Coming to 4K Ultra HD This Summer: Dive Into the High-Def Shark Horror

The addition of these sequels to the high-definition collection marks a significant completion for fans and collectors alike. Laden with nostalgia and cinematic value, this collection encapsulates nearly half a century of Jaws. Dive back into this cult classic franchise—now in pristine detail only possible with modern technology.

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