Brandy Stars in The Front Room A24s Newest Psychological Thriller

The House Is Mine, A24 wrote in an Instagram caption, revealing a first glimpse at its latest horror film – fronted by none other than Brandy. Entitled The Front Room, A24’s newest freaky foray is based on a book of the same name and is slated for global release this fall.

Brandy Stars in The Front Room A24s Newest Psychological Thriller

Per the logline of the psychological thriller: Everything goes to hell for newly-pregnant Belinda (Brandy) after her mother-in-law (Kathryn Hunter) moves in. As the diabolical guest tries to get her claws on the child, Belinda must draw the line somewhere…

Unsettling Dynamics Revealed

Written and directed by Max Eggers and Sam Eggers, The Front Room also stars Andrew Burnap as Brandy’s husband and Neal Huff.

Your father’s final request was that he wants you to take your mother into your home, Huff tells Burnap after his father’s recent passing. It sets the sinister stage right from the start.

A Claustrophobic Nightmare

The tension continues to build with Hunter asserting dominance in the household. It’s my room now, she declares as she makes herself uncomfortably at home.

As the two-and-half-minute trailer progresses, the friction between Brandy’s character and her new housemate escalates dramatically. Burnap’s mom starts pressing and probing a pregnant Belinda with racially-fueled interrogations.

Dark Powers at Play

In one disturbing part, Burnap explains to Brandy, She thinks the holy spirit possesses her and gives her power.This chilling statement paves way for a series of unnerving events as Hunter’s character spirals out of control.

The Strain of Confinement

As the trailer nears its end, Brandy summarizes the maddening situation with: When you’re cooped up with a newborn and a mother-in-law, it can drive anyone crazy, offering a glimpse into her character’s brewing desperation.

Make sure to stream the full trailer for A24’s The Front Room in the gallery above, and catch the film when it hits theaters on September 6, 2024.

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