Bowen Yang Addresses SNL Controversies with Dave Chappelle and Shane Gillis

Kenan Thompson and Bowen Yang have had diverse paths on Saturday Night Live. While Thompson has been a staple since 2003, making him the longest-tenured cast member in the show’s history, Yang entered the scene first as a writer in 2018 before joining the cast a year later. His arrival marked a significant milestone: he became the first Chinese American player on SNL.

Bowen Yang Addresses SNL Controversies with Dave Chappelle and Shane Gillis

The two have navigated their roles by listening and adapting. Thompson recalls his early days on the show where he learned by observing iconic members like Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey. He notes that absorbing their techniques, especially that of Maya Rudolph, had been crucial in shaping his skills.

Currently, all eyes are on SNL‘s upcoming 50th season. However, both Thompson and Yang agree that season 49 is equally significant. The season began with former cast member Pete Davidson returning as host. Thompson expressed his pride, noting It’s not easy to be in all that scrutiny all the time.

Bowen Yang Addresses SNL Controversies with Dave Chappelle and Shane Gillis

Comedy and Conflicts

The world of comedy today is fraught with complexities. With cancel culture intensifying, it’s essential for comedians to be well-informed before grabbing the mic. Yang comments on the subjectivity of comedy, emphasizing everybody is highly personal about what they find funny, which often leads to conflicts or healthy discussions about humor’s role in society.

The Chappelle Moment

This season saw its share of dramatic moments. In one episode, Dave Chappelle unexpectedly joined the stage during the goodbyes, despite not being a part of that night’s sketches. This led to speculations about Yang’s reaction as he appeared distanced from Chappelle. However, Yang clarifies: I stand where I always stand on good nights, dispelling any notions of deliberate spacing due to tensions.

Bowen Yang Addresses SNL Controversies with Dave Chappelle and Shane Gillis

The Shane Gillis Episode

The decision to bring back Shane Gillis as a host raised eyebrows due to his controversial past. Gillis was dismissed from SNL before he even started after backlash over racist, homophobic, and misogynistic comments on his podcast. Despite this history, Gillis continues his tours filled with his distinctive brand of comedy.

Bowen Yang Addresses SNL Controversies with Dave Chappelle and Shane Gillis

While addressing this decision, Yang noted, Anytime our names are in the same sentence… it always feels deleterious…, adding that their careers should move beyond past controversies.

The Kenan Perspective

Thompson shared similar sentiments regarding the controversies around TV shows from his past like All That. Despite positive memories from Nickelodeon days, recent allegations against producer Dan Schneider have cast shadows over those years. Reflecting on this dynamic, Thompson emphasized separating artists’ early contributions from their later actions.

Bowen Yang Addresses SNL Controversies with Dave Chappelle and Shane Gillis

SNL’s Evolution and Impact

The ability to stay relevant continues to be a significant achievement for SNL. Episodes hosted by Ryan Gosling this season achieved high viewership numbers.

Both Yang and Thompson commend the writers for keeping stories fresh and timely. As Thompson puts it, The show’s doing an incredible job… allowing for the times to dictate what is appropriate…, reflecting how humor remains adaptable.

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