Boston over a Million Strong as Celtics Fans Celebrate Banner 18

The streets of Boston were a sea of green and white as Celtics fans celebrated their team’s triumphant victory. More than a million people turned out, eager to witness the spectacle and soak in the joy of Banner 18. From young children to elders, everyone was united in their love for the team.

Boston over a Million Strong as Celtics Fans Celebrate Banner 18

An Unbelievable Moment

It’s unbelievable. It still doesn’t seem true. But just trying to stay in the moment, said All-Star Jayson Tatum during a pre-parade rally at the Garden. For many fans, seeing their heroes up close and personal was a dream come true.

Boston over a Million Strong as Celtics Fans Celebrate Banner 18

The Duck Boat Tradition

The highlight of the celebration was undoubtedly the iconic duck boat parade through the city, joined by over a million people. As the players rode through the streets, they waved to their adoring fans from atop the decorated duck boats, making memories that will last a lifetime.

Boston over a Million Strong as Celtics Fans Celebrate Banner 18

Memorable Moments

Long after Jayson Tatum slipped on his sunglasses while holding the Larry O’Brien Trophy, and teammate Luke Kornet flailed at a traffic light from atop a duck boat, green and white confetti covered every corner of downtown. The city was alive with celebrations, echoing chants of excitement as fans reveled in their team’s success.

Boston over a Million Strong as Celtics Fans Celebrate Banner 18

A Team United

This victory was a testament to the determination and unity of the team. Whatever it took for us to win, that’s what I was willing to do, shared Jaylen Brown. This sense of commitment and camaraderie was evident throughout the parade as players interacted with fans and celebrated together.

Boston over a Million Strong as Celtics Fans Celebrate Banner 18

Boston’s streets have seen many parades, but this one for Banner 18 will be remembered as one of the most vibrant and enthusiastic celebrations ever. Celtics Nation has shown why they are one of the most passionate fanbases in sports.

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