There’s Now a Showgirls Documentary Called “You Don’t Nomi”
It’s odd how something that was seen as trash can years later become known as ‘art’ because someone was willing to give it another look from
It’s odd how something that was seen as trash can years later become known as ‘art’ because someone was willing to give it another look from
Back in the 90s a lot of what gave heroes their popularity was the undeniable edge that a lot of them took on and the fact that as deadly as they could be a l
One has to wonder if we really need a sequel to Ready Player One, but then again it might be kind of a shame to let a universe like this go without another bi
Let’s say this much for David Lynch, his dark, surrealism certainly gets through to some people, such as Damion Damaske from Joblo, but others might get
As one of Hollywood’s creepiest and yet somehow still most awesome talents that rarely ever gets the attention he deserves, Mads Mikkelsen was one of th
How anyone could hold that Gollum voice for long enough to read any distance into The Hobbit is hard to imagine, but the narrator does a great job reading thi
In all fairness this makes more sense than anything since as long as Jamie Lee Curtis has the know-how and the ability to offer up her services behind the cam
Oh what to say about a grown woman dressed as a Klingon singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow? Well, first of all it’s kind of impressive really to see som
Does anyone remember what the word tenet even means? It’s defined as ‘a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion o
The role of Evander Holyfield in a movie would really depend on what age they were portraying him as and whether or not he was the focus of the story. We̵