GoPro Camera Gets Covered In Lava, Bursts Into Flames, And Survives
That is one tough camera. Most other cameras might have been engulfed and fried layer by layer until they were nothing more than melted metal and plastic. The
That is one tough camera. Most other cameras might have been engulfed and fried layer by layer until they were nothing more than melted metal and plastic. The
Of all the characters that Andy Serkis has played to date his portrayal of the talking ape, Caesar, is probably one of the most incredibly believable roles ye
Any criminal that can be fooled by a police trick used by watching a Simpsons episode kind of deserves to be caught. Well in all honesty they deserve to be ca
A lot of folks might not know just how Barry White became such a successful love song musician, but it’s a far cry from what some might want to believe.
When it comes to talking about shows that disappointed us in 2017 let’s be clear on one thing, it doesn’t mean we absolutely hated the shows. It c
With Studio Ghibli closing its doors for now Studio Ponoc is up and running and ready to prove that it can exist in the world of animation outside the influen
Ridley Scott is so well known for movies like Blade Runner and the Alien franchise that sometimes it’s hard to remember that he’s done a great num
Spider-man taking on the Avengers is a cool idea but one that this fan made movie definitely sets into overdrive when it comes to the web-slinging wallcrawler
If you were ever wondering just how a person would get onto a show like Big Brother several former house guests have managed to relate their stories on what i
So who was the most bankable movie actor of 2017? You know you’ve had a good year if you make a list like this, since it means that you’re movies