Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 10 Review: “The Cold War”
God, Person of Interest was so close to being perfect tonight. It was 99.9%, one iota, one singular inch away from being perfect. It wasn’t even the con
God, Person of Interest was so close to being perfect tonight. It was 99.9%, one iota, one singular inch away from being perfect. It wasn’t even the con
Supernatural had its strongest episode of the season tonight. The pacing, especially, was near-perfect, and these last few weeks have not been able to say tha
Tonight’s Supernatural was a character deep-dive, of which I am a fan. Like most people I believe the characters make a story interesting, much more so
CBS takes a lot of crap from people. It’s often described as a cynical, money-making machine that has little to offer in the way of substance; or, it
There was a lot of interesting stuff in tonight’s Supernatural. A lot more moving parts than usual, which I like; though I’ve really enjoyed the W
Person of Interest’s main plotline was meh; that seems to be going around. But it was solid, and it allowed the exploration of the season’s larger
Last night’s Supernatural was really fun television. The one-liners and quips, already the show’s calling card, were incredibly effective tonight.
Tonight was a ‘Shaw’ episode on Person of Interest, and, unlike most Shaw-centric episodes, it was a little meh. Not bad, by any stretch of the im
Supernatural is a show known for its fan-service, and your opinion on the show most likely rests on your connotation of the phrase. Some love, some hate; I te
In a perfect world this review would just an image of a giant thumbs-up and we’d all go home. Person of Interest is running on all cylinders and if you