Can We Really “Jurassic Park” Extinct Animals And Bring Them Back with Biotech?
When people first got over how awesome the special effects and sheer awe of seeing dinosaurs on the big screen in Jurassic Park was, they were left pondering
When people first got over how awesome the special effects and sheer awe of seeing dinosaurs on the big screen in Jurassic Park was, they were left pondering
Thank God it’s over. That’s all I can say. You might remember about a month ago I wrote how absolutely wrong it was that Dirty Dancing would b
Now that Alien: Covenant has been released and the reviews are lukewarm at best, I’m pretty happy that all the hype has died down. Let’s just
At this point in the year for Game of Thrones fans we’re really just killing time until July. June’s a nice month and all but given there will
I have plenty of goals in life but if I had to take a guess, after watching the video you are about to see, this guy Ryan here only had one: to set the Plin
When you are as big a celebrity as Leonardo DiCaprio is, it’s extremely difficult to lead any kind of private life. Aside from being in your own bathr
I need to get something off my chest about Tulane University. I’m an alum of this school and on the day of my graduation I was told I wasn’t get
Today is Red Nose day and it’s fairly new to us Americans so let’s give it a brief overview. Red Nose Day aims to end child poverty by raising m
I feel like my brain is on overdrive today. It’s one thing when you are psyched about movies coming up in a few months time. It’s another thin
Making History is a comedy about a janitor named Daniel Chambers and his friends’ adventures across different periods of time via time travel as well as