Amber Portwood Criticized by Teen Mom Co-stars for Making Daughter Cry

Teen Mom star Amber Portwood has left her daughter Leah in tears, sparking a wave of reactions from fans and fellow castmates. The emotional moment took place during Leah’s 15th birthday celebration on Teen Mom: The Next Chapter.

Amber Portwood Criticized by Teen Mom Co-stars for Making Daughter Cry

The incident began when Amber, 34, joined Leah, her father Gary Shirley, 37, and stepmother Kristina for dinner at a restaurant. However, the reunion quickly turned sour as an argument erupted between Amber and Gary.

Amber Portwood Criticized by Teen Mom Co-stars for Making Daughter Cry

Gary was visibly upset by Amber’s tardiness, which led to a clash of heated words. With Leah caught in the center, the teen eventually broke down in tears, pleading with her parents to “stop”.

Tensions Escalate at Dinner

The argument intensified as Gary apologized to his visibly distraught daughter. Amber, initially unaware of Leah’s distress, criticized Gary for his apology before attempting to console her daughter.

Amber Portwood Criticized by Teen Mom Co-stars for Making Daughter Cry

Leah eventually excused herself from the table, needing Kristina’s support to leave the scene. Many social media users were quick to voice their opinions on the situation.

Reactions From Fans and Castmates

Robin Swift of Long Island commented online: This is so sad to watch. This was supposed to be a birthday dinner. Another user remarked: Amber saying ‘what are you saying sorry for?’ IT’S HER BIRTHDAY DINNER AND YOU’RE MAKING HER CRY.

A Troubled Connection

Amber has faced challenges in reconnecting with Leah after spending 17 months in prison due to legal issues. Reflecting on her past, she shared: Before prison, I never thought about Leah. I was addicted to drugs and didn’t care about anything else. Prison saved my life — and gave me a second chance at being a mother.

Amber Portwood Criticized by Teen Mom Co-stars for Making Daughter Cry

This incident could further strain Amber’s efforts to mend their relationship. After the episode aired, many Teen Mom fans took to social media to express their shock and share comments.

An Ongoing Struggle

Following the episode’s airing, Amber expressed sorrow over how the incident might have impacted her relationship with Leah. She tearfully admitted that reconciling with her daughter has been difficult.

Amber Portwood Criticized by Teen Mom Co-stars for Making Daughter Cry

As she continues co-parenting efforts with Gary Shirley, it’s clear that Amber still faces numerous hurdles with both her past and present family dynamics.

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