Amanda Wilhelm’s Engagement Sparks Debate Among 90 Day Fiance Fans

Amanda Wilhelm has captured the attention of 90 Day Fiance fans once again. After a rocky relationship with Razvan Ciocoi on Before the 90 Days, Amanda is now engaged to Joel Zalazar. Many speculate if her swift moves from one relationship to another are driven by genuine feelings or a quest for attention.

Amanda’s Relationship Timeline

Amanda met Razvan on TikTok shortly after her husband’s passing from cancer. The couple quickly connected, but their differences became clear during Amanda’s visit to Romania. Amanda often felt jealous of Razvan’s career, leading to tension and a breakup soon after her return to America. Despite initial heartbreak, Amanda seemingly moved on quickly, being linked with Scott Wern before finally getting engaged to Joel.

Amanda Wilhelm’s Engagement Sparks Debate Among 90 Day Fiance Fans

The Engagement to Joel Zalazar

The relationship between Amanda and Joel sparked in January 2024 through Instagram flirting. By May 2024, Joel had proposed to Amanda in a restaurant, an event that was captured and shared on social media by @merrypants. She’s been waiting for this day since her husband died, commented one user. This culminates in a significant public moment for Amanda, as she accepted Joel’s proposal despite mixed reactions from fans.

Amanda Wilhelm’s Engagement Sparks Debate Among 90 Day Fiance Fans

Speculation and Scrutiny

The quick transitions in Amanda’s dating life have not gone unnoticed. Fans and commentators alike have raised questions about her motivations. Some viewers believe that Amanda might be using these relationships as stepping stones in her social media presence. I don’t think you’re in love with him. If everyone left, do you realize how many eyes would still be on you guys? added Diana, hinting at potential ulterior motives behind Amanda’s engagements.

Amanda Wilhelm’s Engagement Sparks Debate Among 90 Day Fiance Fans

A Serial Monogamist?

Amanda’s rapid engagement came just six months after meeting Joel, leading to speculation that she might be a ‘serial monogamist.’ Her pattern of jumping from one relationship to the next without much downtime in between suggests a hesitancy to stay single. Amanda has previously been seen prioritizing finding a father figure for her children over establishing a deeper connection in her relationships.

Amanda Wilhelm’s Engagement Sparks Debate Among 90 Day Fiance Fans

The Clout Chasing Accusations

The underlying question remains: is Amanda seeking genuine love or chasing clout? Many viewers have accused her of doing everything for social media fame, referencing her past aspiration to be a fitness influencer while her first husband was still alive. As one Reddit user bluntly put it, they see this engagement as just another career move rather than true love.

Amanda Wilhelm’s Engagement Sparks Debate Among 90 Day Fiance Fans

The Future for Amanda and Joel

Amanda and Joel seem poised to fill traditional familial roles that Amanda has sought since her husband’s death – something Razvan couldn’t offer. Whether this engagement will lead to lasting happiness or casualty of reality TV pressures remains to be seen. Fans can only hope that Amanda finds the emotional stability she’s been searching for.

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