10 Things You Didn’t Know about Madelaine Petsch

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Madelaine Petsch

Madelaine Petsch is an American actress. Generally speaking, she should be most familiar to most people because of her role as Cheryl Blossom on Riverdale. However, Petsch has shown up in other projects as well. Here are 10 things that you may or may not have known about Madelaine Petsch:

1. Madelaine Is a Variant of Magdalene

Both Madelaine and Madeline are variants of Magdalene, which is a name that is best-known because of Saint Mary Magdalene. Confusingly, Mary Magdalene was identified in medieval times with both Mary of Bethany and an unnamed “sinful woman” who anointed Jesus’s feet in the Gospel of Luke, which produced a persistent belief that she was an ex-prostitute.

2. Petsch Seems to Have Come from Peter

Meanwhile, Petsch is a German name. However, it is interesting in that it seems to have come from the pet form of a Slavic form of Peter, which is a popular name that has seen extensive use in a wide range of countries.

3. Grew Up in Port Orchard, WA

Petsch grew up in a city called Port Orchard, which can be found in Kitsap County in the state of Washington. The place is named for the strait that separates Bainbridge Island and Kitsap Peninsula, which is named Port Orchard as well.

4. Her Parents Came from South Africa

It is interesting to note that Petsch’s parents came from South Africa. As a result, she split her first ten years of life between the state of Washington and the country where her parents had come from.

5. Became Interested in Dance from a Young Age

As the story goes, Petsch became interested in dance when she was no more than 3. Due to this, she started taking dance classes, which were followed up by theatre classes as well.

6. Raised Vegetarian

Petsch was raised to be a vegetarian, which in the simplest sense, means someone who won’t eat meat. With that said, there can be further categories within vegetarians because they can have further opinions about related topics. For example, vegetarians may or may not abstain from the by-products of animal slaughter as well. Likewise, there are ovo vegetarians who will eat eggs but not dairy products, lacto vegetarians who will eat dairy products but not eggs, and ovo-lacto vegetarians who will eat both eggs and dairy products.

7. Became a Vegan

With that said, Petsch is actually someone who went vegan. Essentially, this means someone who won’t eat any animal products, whether that means meat, eggs, or diary products. Naturally, vegans can see further categorization as well, with an excellent example being how some vegans will go further by refusing to use any animal products such as silk, beeswax, and leather.

8. Has Participated In a PETA Awareness Campaign

Petsch is one of the numerous celebrities who have participated in one PETA awareness campaign or another. For those who are unfamiliar with the name, PETA is an animal rights organization that pushes against four practices in particular, which would be fur farming, factory farming, the use of animals for testing purposes, and the use of animals for entertainment purposes. However, its efforts in this regard have been pretty controversial both within and without the broader animal rights movement, though to be fair, part of PETA’s strategy is to get mentioned by the media as much as possible under the line of thinking that an unmentioned cause is a dead cause.

9. Plays One of the Earlier Characters Cast for Riverdale

Cheryl Blossom was one of the earlier characters to be cast for Riverdale. In short, the announcement went out in February of 2016. However, Petsch had already been pinned for the role since late 2015, which was when she met with the casting director, who was still working on Legends of Tomorrow at the time.

10. Has Her Own Line of Sunglasses

In April of 2018, Petsch teamed up with Privé Revaux to launch her own line of sunglasses. As for Privé Revaux, it is a company focused on making sunglasses that are good at protecting the eyes while also looking great, which have benefited to some extent from its eagerness to work with celebrities for its marketing campaigns.

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