Mother of the Bride 2024 Movie Review

Mark Waters’ latest film, Mother of the Bride, is a rom-com that mingles nostalgia and new twists, albeit with a few hurdles along the way. Waters, known for successful movies like Freaky Friday and Mean Girls, brings his seasoned touch to this Netflix release. The film, however, delivers mixed results.

Mother of the Bride 2024 Movie Review

An Unexpected Reunion

The story revolves around Lana (Brooke Shields), an accomplished career woman whose life takes an unexpected turn when her daughter Emma (Miranda Cosgrove) announces her engagement. The twist? The groom’s father, Will (Benjamin Bratt), is Lana’s college ex-boyfriend. Given this setup, one might expect fireworks fueled by unresolved emotions and comedy gold.

Mother of the Bride 2024 Movie Review

Revisiting Familiar Tropes

The movie tries to juggle multiple themes—a mother rediscovering love, dealing with an overmature influence of social media on modern relationships, and comedic moments about parents reconnecting with their youth. Unfortunately, Lana’s character arc often feels weighed down by slapstick stereotypes rather than developed through genuine moments of growth.

Mother of the Bride 2024 Movie Review

The Cast’s Effort

Despite the somewhat patchy script by Robin Bernheim, Brooke Shields brings a touch of gravitas and humor to her role as Lana. Surveillance cameras catch her streaking while attempting to relive her youthful days—moments that tilt more towards cringeworthy than genuinely funny. Miranda Cosgrove’s portrayal of Emma, an influencer caught in the throes of wedding planning and content creation, is serviceable but doesn’t break new ground.

Mother of the Bride 2024 Movie Review

Performances and Chemistry

Benjamin Bratt as Will brings some warmth and depth to his role as Lana’s ex, albeit underutilized. Their chemistry hints at past heartbreaks but rarely delves into emotionally rich territory due to limited screenwriting depth. On the other hand, Wilson Cruz offers minor relief with his performance.

Mother of the Bride 2024 Movie Review

A Mixed Bag

Mother of the Bride has received mixed reactions since its release on Netflix. Some fans enjoyed Brooke Shields’ charm and presence in the movie, while critics have noted its reliance on outdated rom-com clichés that fail to bring much-needed freshness to the genre. The writing is rooted in sitcom cliche, often turning what could have been poignant moments into predictable setups.

Mother of the Bride 2024 Movie Review

A Familiar Formula

The fundamental issue might lie in how predictable the movie is. Romantic comedies thrive on blending romance with refreshing humor, but Mother of the Bride, despite its nostalgic casts and scenic setting, doesn’t fully capitalize on these elements.

Mother of the Bride 2024 Movie Review

In conclusion, Mother of the Bride, although enriched by a talented cast and picturesque locales, struggles under a formulaic script that doesn’t quite offer enough novelty or emotional resonance to stand out in a crowded genre.

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