7 News Team Sends Best Wishes to Buffalo Broadcasting Icon Jacquie Walker

As Jacquie Walker prepares to step down from her daily anchoring role, the 7 News team comes together to extend their heartfelt best wishes to this Buffalo broadcasting legend.

7 News Team Sends Best Wishes to Buffalo Broadcasting Icon Jacquie Walker

The end of an era

Tonight’s 6 pm newscast will mark the final regular broadcast for Walker before she transitions into new roles. As per a post on ‘X’, Walker will continue conducting interviews, hosting special projects, and engaging in community activities.

A journey worth celebrating

Jacquie Walker joined WIVB in 1983 after honing her broadcasting skills in Rochester, New York, and Springfield, Illinois. Her remarkable career includes numerous accolades, such as several Emmys and her induction into the Buffalo Broadcasting Hall of Fame in 2011.

7 News Team Sends Best Wishes to Buffalo Broadcasting Icon Jacquie Walker

Her profound impact on the community is undeniable. For instance, Walker has received the 2023 RTDNA Regional Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Newscast and the 2018 Silver Circle Award from the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.

Reflections and memories

Reflecting on her time behind the anchor desk, Jacquie shared a touching anecdote: Can I just say this quickly? Sometimes, I detest being a woman… It’s because I cry at the worst freaking times. Not just when I’m sad. It could be anxiety, happiness, or a million other emotions. And cue the waterworks.

7 News Team Sends Best Wishes to Buffalo Broadcasting Icon Jacquie Walker

The community has also taken note of her contributions beyond journalism. From notable projects over her illustrious career to powerful segments that captivated audiences, Walker has redefined what it means to serve through media.

A future full of promise

Retirement may be imminent, but for Walker, it seems synonymous with new beginnings. To quote former Buffalo Bills coach Marv Levy: Once you’re thinking of retiring, you are already retired. As she steps away from the nightly news cycle, Walker’s extensive experience and passion for storytelling promise that her legacy will continue to inspire both colleagues and viewers alike.

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