Young, Famous and African Season 1, Episode 3 Recap

Young, Famous and African Season 1, Episode 3 Recap

Previously on Young, Famous & African, a newcomer, Zari the Boss Lady, stepped into the picture. She seems to be rattling the girls a little bit. To Annie, she is already judgmental about not getting the Arabian theme right. With Khanyi, there can only be one queen in the building, and so far, Zari is one without so much as trying. Will she steal the spotlight? Zari is not expected to be on good terms with Nadia at all. Their friendship would be awkward if their relationship with Diamond is anything to go by. Kayleigh knows how to stay in her lane, so she’s most likely to maintain a less biased stance when it comes to relating with Zari.

Episode three of Young, Famous & African begins with Khanyi getting the girls together for brunch. From the get-go, Nadia cannot help but wonder why Zari has a seat at the girls’ table. Zari can tell she and Nadia are complete opposites when it comes to how they handle themselves. Khanyi says that the celebration is in honor of Nadia, who’ll be traveling to see her boyfriend soon. Up until this point, Zari is clueless about everything that has been happening between Nadia and Diamond. Kayleigh mentions it, and suddenly the air is eerie. At least everyone is tense. Everyone but Zari. Khanyi is suspicious of how calm Zari is at the reveal. Everyone agrees that the way Diamond and Zari behaved at his Arabian dinner wasn’t so co-parent-like. There has to be something more because the chemistry between Diamond and Zari is undeniable. He isn’t ready to let her go.

The boys are having a spa day courtesy of Swanky Jerry. It’s a good day to unwind, sip on champagne, and catch up. Since Swanky was late the last time there was a get-together, Quinton has the honor of giving him the tea. Apparently, Quinton is sexually frustrated because his woman is wary of his friendship with Diamond. Kayleigh and Nadia are close, and she feels a certain way because Diamond is playing both teams. Diamond likens his relationship with Zari to a piece of chewing gum, while what he shares with Nadia is more of a grape-like situation. When you’re chewing gum, it’s okay to set it aside, eat a grape, then go back to chewing. Zari is his gum. She is the mother of his children, and he knows he cannot give her the respect she deserves. If he were the marrying kind, he’d definitely marry her.

At the girls’ brunch, Annie has a bone to chew with Zari. She felt disrespected by Zari’s comments about her dress. Annie has taken everything from zero to 100 real quick. She’s not afraid to confront the Boss Lady. Lucky for her, Zari is very apologetic. There are better ways she could have used to bring her point across. Zari takes the moment with grace, but she feels Annie is somewhat like an onion. There are layers to her, and it’s only a matter of time before she pops out.
Khanyi is concerned about Quinton and Kayleigh’s relationship. The two have known each other for at least twenty years. She knew both of Quinton’s ex-wives, and can tell when he’s troubled in a relationship. With Kayleigh, things are not looking good, so she’s here to set Quinton straight. While Khanyi is fully convinced that she’s the hunter in this case, unknown to her, Quinton has been in the confrontation game longer than she has. A conversation about Quinton and Kayleigh suddenly changes course. Why did Khanyi treat her boyfriend like a gender-reveal party? Why was he unveiled at the ball? Khanyi assigns Quinton the role of picking her up when things in her future become rocky, but Quinton isn’t here for babysitting. Khanyi suggests couples’ therapy. She’ll show up with her man, and Quinton is urged to show up with his girl. This will be fun.

Being away from her family is taking a toll on Annie. She gets lonely at night. This time, she chats with her husband on facetime, and even though she’s supposed to be a happy girl, she has memories of the rocky past the two of them have had. She’s accepted 2Baba for all he is. All his children are her children. As usual, Swanky has something cooking up when he asks Annie to join him at his residence. An unsuspecting Annie is showered with roses all over. She’s taken aback by the gesture until 2Baba emerges out of the blue. To say that she is excited is an understatement. Annie is all over her man. He’s brought with him a couple of dollars, and all the beautiful malls in Sandton are calling Annie’s name.

At couple’s therapy, Quinton is in for yet another surprise. Khanyi has come to therapy, but Kudzi is nowhere to be seen. Khanyi’s 28-year-old boyfriend is not happy with Quinton’s remarks about their relationship. He’s decided to skip therapy altogether, leaving Quinton and his girlfriend to sort out their issues. Kayleigh thinks Quinton is always in the mood to argue. She still complains of him being unromantic. He, on the other hand, thinks she is a dictator. While the therapist is on neither person’s side, she seems to agree more with Quinton. If the therapist’s approach is taken into consideration, Kayleigh has a lot to unpack. As one couple is on a therapist’s chair, figuring things out, another has mastered the art of co-parenting. Zari and the children are happy that Diamond is finally seeing them. There’s no fighting on their end, and the chemistry is very much alive.

2Baba and Annie have come a long way. He’s organized a special dinner for his lady. Annie has only seen this side of her husband a few times. Something feels different about his approach today. They get to have a discussion on all the ups and downs they have experienced in their marriages. 2Baba says he is lucky that Annie did not discard him when he had scandals stretched all the way to Timbuktu. He’s a celebrity. Every woman was dying to have his babies. To mark their ten-year run, 2Baba asks her to have another ten years with him. He wants them to renew their vows. He presents Annie with a ring to symbolize this special occasion. The episode comes to an end as the lovers walk into the night.

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