WWII Veteran, 100, Marries Sweetheart Near Normandy’s D-Day Beaches

WWII Veteran, 100, Marries Sweetheart Near Normandy’s D-Day Beaches

Amid the historical backdrop of Normandy’s D-Day beaches, a remarkable love story unfolded as 100-year-old WWII veteran Harold Terens and his bride Jeanne Swerlin, aged 96, tied the knot in an almost double-century celebration. The couple’s nuptials took place at the picturesque town hall of Carentan, echoing memories of the fierce battles fought there during the Allied landings on June 6, 1944.

Crowds gathered outside the elegant stone-worked town hall, dressed in WWII-period attire and serenaded by a pipe and drum band, to witness the joyous event. Adding to the festivities, Glenn Miller’s swing tunes filled the air as well-wishers cheered.

WWII Veteran, 100, Marries Sweetheart Near Normandy’s D-Day Beaches

Terens had first visited France more than 75 years ago as a 20-year-old U.S. Army Air Forces corporal. His service during WWII included repairing aircraft for his unit and transporting prisoners of war. Jeanne Swerlin shared her bubbly perspective on love: It’s not just for young people, love, you know? We get butterflies. And we get a little action, also.

Their romantic journey began three years ago in Boca Raton, Florida, eventually leading to this significant moment near the D-Day beaches. Mayor Jean-Pierre Lhonneur officiated the symbolic ceremony, expressing deep reverence towards American veterans and remarking that Normandy is practically the 51st state of the USA due to its profound gratitude for their sacrifices.

Following their vows, which they exchanged in front of adoring spectators, the newlywed couple attended a state dinner at the Elysee Palace hosted by President Emmanuel Macron and U.S. President Joe Biden. The mayor stated: I hope for them the best happiness together.

Honoring Veterans at Normandy

WWII Veteran, 100, Marries Sweetheart Near Normandy’s D-Day Beaches

This celebration coincided with the 80th anniversary of D-Day’s Allied landings. Veterans like Harold Terens were honored for their bravery and contributions during WWII. As Terens reflected: I’m getting married because I love this girl. She’s one of the most magnificent women.

A Love Celebrated Amid Historical Legacy

Jeanne Swerlin wore a long flowing dress of vibrant pink while Terens complemented her attire with a light blue suit and matching pink kerchief. Their collective age might have been nearly 200 years, but their spirits shone bright as they held hands and kissed like high school sweethearts. Jane Ollier, a spectator dressed in her mother’s 1940s attire remarked: It’s so touching to get married at that age… If it can bring them happiness in the last years of their lives, that’s fantastic.

The Significance of Carentan

WWII Veteran, 100, Marries Sweetheart Near Normandy’s D-Day Beaches

Carentan-les-Marais holds historical transcendence due to its Gallo-Roman origins and key role during WWII. This town remains a symbol of remembrance and resilience. Lhonneur enthuses that Normandy holds deep ties with America due to these wartime memories.

A Night to Remember at Elysee Palace

The wedding ceremony wasn’t legally binding due to local regulations but nonetheless captured hearts worldwide. To honor their commitment in style, Harold and Jeanne were invited to a grand dinner at Elysee Palace with President Macron and President Biden who expressed heartfelt emotions through moments like President Biden declaring: I love you, too during one of the ceremonies held earlier this week.

WWII Veteran, 100, Marries Sweetheart Near Normandy’s D-Day BeachesWWII Veteran, 100, Marries Sweetheart Near Normandy’s D-Day Beaches

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