General Hospital May Sweeps Who Will Die Due to Sonny

As we dive deeper into May, the heat intensifies on General Hospital, especially around the enigmatic figure of Sonny Corinthos. This month promises to be a tumultuous ride, filled with unexpected twists and heart-wrenching moments.

General Hospital May Sweeps Who Will Die Due to Sonny

Last week, fans were left at the edge of their seats watching Natalia scheme her way into Brook Lynn and Harrison Chase’s wedding. Natalia is eager to attend Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding and it’s clear she has ulterior motives. Her actions are intertwined with some ominous developments regarding Sonny.

General Hospital May Sweeps Who Will Die Due to Sonny

Ava Gets a Reality Check

Ava Jerome‘s confrontation with Nikolas revealed her knowledge about Sonny’s bipolar medication being tampered with. General Hospital May Sweeps Who Will Die Due to Sonny She brazenly admitted, she’s capitalizing on it for her own gain. This manipulation could set off a chain reaction with dire consequences.

Sonny and Natalia’s Plans

The dynamic between Sonny and Natalia took a sharp turn when Sonny offered her a proposition later in the week. The exact nature of this proposition remains shrouded in mystery, but it undeniably adds another layer of tension to the unfolding drama.

General Hospital May Sweeps Who Will Die Due to Sonny

A Chaotic Wedding?

One of the most anticipated events is Brook Lynn and Harrison Chase’s wedding. While Natalia works hard to secure an invite, fans are left wondering if she will succeed or if her machinations will backfire spectacularly.

General Hospital May Sweeps Who Will Die Due to Sonny

The atmosphere is set for chaos, especially considering that bipolar medication being tampered with. It’s increasingly likely that this wedding will not go off without its share of fireworks.

Valentin’s Risky Moves

Valentin Cassadine continues to be a pivotal player this month. Felicia has already warned Anna about Valentin’s dubious actions, hinting that he might be part of the machinations against Sonny. His covert involvement in the Pikeman plot indicates that his character is walking a tightrope that could lead to his downfall.

General Hospital May Sweeps Who Will Die Due to Sonny

The Downfall Draws Near?

The clock is ticking, and stakes run dangerously high as May sweeps progress. With dark forces aligning against him, who will pay the ultimate price for Sonny’s strained mental state? As disaster looms, fans remain glued to their screens, waiting to see who will succumb in the line of fire.

General Hospital May Sweeps Who Will Die Due to SonnyGeneral Hospital May Sweeps Who Will Die Due to Sonny

Only time will tell as we navigate through these dramatic days in Port Charles!

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