Why Jax Taylor Resists Lala Kent and Scheana Shay Joining The Valley

Why Jax Taylor Resists Lala Kent and Scheana Shay Joining The Valley

As Vanderpump Rules gears up for a hiatus, The Valley is buzzing with potential cast additions. Notably, Lala Kent and Scheana Shay have been rumored to join the spin-off show. However, Jax Taylor has voiced strong objections.

Scheana Calls Out Jax on Her Podcast

Scheana Shay didn’t hold back on her podcast Scheananigans. Discussing Jax’s resistance, she stated, For the second time on his podcast, he has said that he does not want me or Lala to join The Valley because it would be disrespectful to the current cast and no one wants us.Why Jax Taylor Resists Lala Kent and Scheana Shay Joining The Valley

Jax’s Fear of Losing Control

Sheana pointedly noted, I just think you don’t want us. If we did a poll, these are all of our friends. You’re afraid of me and Lala being on the show because we’re gonna call you out for the sh*t we actually know. It seems Jax fears his reputation could take a hit if Scheana and Lala called him out on screen.

Initial Support for Their Involvement?

Scheana highlighted Jax’s inconsistency, saying that he initially wanted her and Brock to be involved when the concept of The Valley was coming together. Now that their relationship has soured, his tune has changed.

I would never put my career in any of their hands, Jax had declared, further illustrating his distrust and skepticism.

Why Jax Taylor Resists Lala Kent and Scheana Shay Joining The Valley

The Producer’s Decision

As fans debate their potential inclusion, many have voiced support for both sides. Some agree with Jax, concerned about dynamics shift and contrived storylines. Others think they would fit well due to their real-life friendships.

Why Jax Taylor Resists Lala Kent and Scheana Shay Joining The Valley

The final decision rests with the producers – will they bring Scheana and Lala aboard or honor Jax’s wishes? Only time will tell as The Valley‘s next season takes shape while Vanderpump Rules pauses production.

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