Why Fans Should Embrace George Lucas’ Revisions to Star Wars

It’s no secret that the Star Wars special editions have been divisive. When George Lucas released these versions, many fans were not thrilled with how their beloved originals had been altered. Now, at CinemaCon 2024, Lucas defended these changes as his right as the creator of the franchise.

Why Fans Should Embrace George Lucas’ Revisions to Star Wars

Lucas asserted, I think a film belongs to its creator. When Michelangelo made the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, he looked at it and said: I’m going to redo this part. This echoes his firm belief that since he created Star Wars, he’s entitled to make any amendments he wishes.

The Question of Ownership

The argument around these alterations often centers on ownership. Fans feel a deep personal connection to these films, having grown up with them unaltered. Yet Lucas insists that his modifications reflect a vision integrating both trilogies seamlessly.

A prime example is Greedo shooting Han Solo first. Originally, in ‘A New Hope’, Greedo never fired a shot before being killed by Han Solo. In the special editions, this infamous recut divided opinions spurring complaints among fans.

Why Fans Should Embrace George Lucas’ Revisions to Star Wars

Similarly, Jabba the Hutt’s CGI appearance in ‘A New Hope’ Special Edition faced backlash. David Prowse even called this rendition of Jabba a big turd, reflecting widespread dissatisfaction among viewers.

Why Fans Should Embrace George Lucas’ Revisions to Star Wars

Mingling Old and New Characters

Lucas also saw fit to add some of his prequel actors into the original trilogy. For example, Hayden Christensen appears as Anakin’s Force Ghost at the end of ‘Return of the Jedi’. According to Rosario Dawson, Hayden hadn’t even known what he was filming at that time.

Why Fans Should Embrace George Lucas’ Revisions to Star Wars

The aim here was clear; Lucas wanted continuity within his six-part saga. Ian McDiarmid also got retroactively inserted as the Emperor in ‘The Empire Strikes Back’, tightening the narrative connection across the board.

Why Fans Should Embrace George Lucas’ Revisions to Star Wars

And What About Those Musical Numbers?

Changes weren’t just limited to adding characters; whole scenes got revamped too. ‘Return of the Jedi’s’ musical number featuring CGI creatures was one such modification which some considered unnecessary embellishment. Though Sy Snootles’ role was given more prominence during a dance by Oola for Jabba’s entertainment, many fans thought this disrupted the film’s pacing and tonal consistency.

Why Fans Should Embrace George Lucas’ Revisions to Star Wars

The Debate Continues…

Many argue these changes should have been left on the cutting room floor or released as supplemental content instead of overwriting original film sequences. But for George Lucas, these tweaks seem necessary to tell a cohesive story throughout both trilogies.

Ultimately, while fans may disagree about specific alterations like Greedo’s shot or making Jabba digital, they shouldn’t let such edits diminish their enjoyment of Star Wars overall. Owners change but stories remain timeless.
After all is said and done, One truth resonates:

Your love for Star Wars doesn’t need George Lucas’ validation—it stands eternal on its own merits.

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