Warner Bros. Confirms Practical Magic Sequel with Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock

Broom fell… company’s coming. After 26 years, the Owens women are returning with Warner Bros. announcing a followup film to the 1998 classic Practical Magic.

Warner Bros. Confirms Practical Magic Sequel with Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock

Main Cast Returns

Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock are in talks to come back as Gillian and Sally Owens, not only reprising their roles but also serving as producers. Denise Di Novi, who produced the original film, is expected to return to her producer role.

The original movie featured Bullock and Kidman as witchy sisters who inadvertently get embroiled in supernatural coverups after an unexpected death. ‘Practical Magic’ stars Sandra Bullock as Sally Owens and Nicole Kidman as Gillian Owens. They play sisters who are part of a cursed family of witches.

Iconic Moments and Direction

Directed by Griffin Dunne and adapted from Alice Hoffman’s 1995 novel, the original Practical Magic gained a loyal following over the years. The memorable ‘midnight margaritas’ scene, where the sisters revel in drinking tequila and dancing to Harry Nilsson’s ‘Coconut,’ is particularly cherished by fans.

Warner Bros. Confirms Practical Magic Sequel with Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock

Screenwriter Adds New Dimension

Akiva Goldsman, co-writer of the original, will pen the script for the sequel. Speaking at an event recently, Goldsman said that bringing back this iconic film was a joy: It’s exciting to revisit such a beloved story and bring fresh energy to it.

Fandom Eagerly Awaits

News of the sequel quickly stirred excitement among fans when it was confirmed on Monday by Warner Bros.: On Monday, Warner Bros. confirmed the news that the Nineties cult-classic ‘Practical Magic’ will be returning with a sequel.

Warner Bros. Confirms Practical Magic Sequel with Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock

Nostalgia and Modern Appeal

The sequel promises to retain the charm of its predecessor while exploring new dimensions brought by its returning stars and creative team. The anticipation further expanded when Warner Bros.’ recent online tease featured Alan Silvestri’s score from the original film.

With Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman, Akiva Goldsman, and Denise Di Novi at the helm, Practical Magic 2 promises another enchanting ride for both new viewers and long-time fans alike.

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