Veteran Champions Return for Monumental Season 40 of The Challenge

The longest-running reality competition series returns with its monumental 40th season. The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras premieres on MTV Wednesday, August 14 at 8 p.m. This season gathers 40 veteran players from the last 26 years, each representing their own era.

The roster includes an unprecedented number of champions. Among them are seven-time winner Johnny Bananas Devenanzio, five-time champ Chris CT Tamburello, four-time winners Darrell Taylor and Jordan Wiseley, and three-time winner Derrick Kosinski.

Veteran Champions Return for Monumental Season 40 of The Challenge

Iconic Winners Return

The returning winners include two-time champion Cara Maria Sorbello, who recently returned after a four-year hiatus. As described, Cara Maria “dominated the physical leg” in her elimination but faced tougher challenges with puzzles. Jordan Wiseley, another formidable competitor and four-time winner, is also back in action.

Veteran Champions Return for Monumental Season 40 of The Challenge

Era-Based Teams Prepare for Battle

Contestants first compete at the Era Invitational, aiming to eliminate the weakest links. Only the best will earn a coveted spot on their team. With new challenges and twists, even seasoned veterans are kept on their toes as they battle for a $1 million prize.

Veteran Champions Return for Monumental Season 40 of The Challenge

A Thrilling Lineup for Fans

This season’s lineup promises intense competition. Era 1 features Aneesa Ferreira, Brad Fiorenza, C.T. Tamburello, Darrell Taylor, Derrick Kosinski, Jodi Weatherton, Katie Cooley, Mark Long, Rachel Robinson, and Tina Barta.

Veteran Champions Return for Monumental Season 40 of The Challenge

Diverse Roster Across Different Eras

Era 2 introduces Aviv Melmed, Brandon Nelson, Cara Maria Sorbello, Derek Chavez, Emily Schromm, Johnny Bananas Devenanzio, KellyAnne Judd, Laurel Stuckey, Nehemiah Clark and Ryan Kehoe.

Veteran Champions Return for Monumental Season 40 of The Challenge

New Faces in Era 3 and Era 4

The competition heats up with Era 3 players: Amanda Garcia, Averey Tressler, Cory Wharton, Devin Walker-Jonna Mannion, Leroy Garrett, Nia Moore-Tony Raines-Jordan Wiseley-Tori Deal.

Veteran Champions Return for Monumental Season 40 of The Challenge

Finally, Era 4 rounds out the casting: Horacio Gutierrez Jr., Jenny West-Josh Martinez-Kaycee Clark-Kyland Young-Michele Fitzgerlad-Nurys Mateo-Olivia Kaiser-Paulie Calafiore-Theo Campbell.

The Countdown Begins

A special segment titled The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras: Countdown Begins will air on August 7 at 8 p.m., giving fans a sneak peek into what to expect. Additionally, new episodes of MTV’s Official Challenge Podcast will drop every Thursday following each premiere episode.

Veteran Champions Return for Monumental Season 40 of The Challenge

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