Under Paris Takes Shark Movies to New Heights

Since Steven Spielberg unleashed the iconic thriller Jaws in 1975, the world of shark-themed cinema has evolved, but rarely matched its visceral impact. The French have now stepped up to give us Under Paris, directed by Xavier Gens, famed for his contributions to series like Gangs of London and Lupin. This film, streaming on Netflix, introduces us to a scenario as outlandish as it is intriguing—a giant mako shark terrorizing the Seine River.

Under Paris Takes Shark Movies to New Heights

A Troubling Threat to Parisian Waters

Under Paris (or Sous la Seine) centers around Sophia, played by Bérénice Bejo, known for her stellar performance in The Artist. As Paris prepares to host the World Triathlon Championships along the Seine, Sophia discovers that a colossal predator known as Lilith occupies the river. This turn of events is alarmingly reminiscent of her previous tragic encounter with the same shark.

Under Paris Takes Shark Movies to New HeightsShe collaborates with Sergeant Adil Faez (Nassim Lyes), a river policeman, to avert potential disaster. Their mission—stop Lilith before she wreaks havoc on the anticipated sporting event.

Critics Weigh In on Under Paris

The early reviews of Under Paris are surprisingly positive. Michael Nordine of Variety remarks, ‘Few movies deserve the “often imitated, never replicated” designation quite like Jaws does… ‘Under Paris’ might just be the best of them.’ Similarly, Matt Donato from Daily Dead notes that it blends elements from both Jaws and Deep Blue Sea.

Under Paris Takes Shark Movies to New Heights

A Look at Gens’ Direction

Xavier Gens captures the chilling presence of Lilith through artfully executed sequences that even seasoned shark aficionados will admire. There’s no denying the influence of Jaws in Gens’ work; yet he manages to introduce fresh elements tailored for contemporary audiences. As he explores eco-horror intertwined with thrilling action scenes, one cannot overlook his past experiences directing acclaimed series and movies.

Under Paris Takes Shark Movies to New Heights

An Absurdly Entertaining Experience

Bejo delivers a compelling performance as Sophia, driving the narrative with authenticity and gravitas. Despite some fragmented tones between serious environmental themes and outlandish B-movie moments, ‘Under Paris’ provides an absurdly entertaining experience.

Under Paris Takes Shark Movies to New HeightsVariety’s headline encapsulates critical reception aptly: ‘“Might just be the best [shark movie since Jaws].”’

Stream or Skip?

If you’re a fan of shark movies or merely in search of gripping aquatic horror, then ‘Under Paris’ is well worth your time. Balancing its unique setting with nail-biting suspense, it emerges as a standout entry in its genre. As fans yearn to compare every new release to Jaws, Gens’ latest effort shines in its homage while offering something distinctively engaging for today’s audience.

Under Paris Takes Shark Movies to New Heights

A Nod to Classic Horror Posters

No discussion about a great shark movie can skip mentioning classic cinema posters. Reflecting on memories of Spielberg’s thriller, one remembers the iconic 1975 Jaws poster designed by Roger Kastel. A timeless piece of art symbolizing decades of fear and fascination with these ocean predators.

Under Paris Takes Shark Movies to New Heights

The verdict? Catch this summer’s most unexpected aquatic horror hit – dive into Under Paris, now streaming on Netflix.

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